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Posts posted by SpittingBull

  1. Thank you Schis for your reply!


    I am afraid after further investigation I came to the same conclusion.


    I am a bit puzzled now about how to proceed with that.


    Currently I host a 1.6.4 MCPC+ server with over 100 mods. I did not start with 100 but the system (and the worlds contained) evovled over time. I developed a set of scripts that would all my clients allow to automagically update all their mods and configs according to the servers requirements whenever they logged in. With that I was able to play around with configs and IDs as needed but I could be sure that the clients would receive exactly the configs (and IDs) I had prepared for them.


    All that seems to be not possible anymore. Should I start a new server based on 1.7.2 I can not be sure that introducing or even updating mods would be harmless in that regard since I don't have any influence over IDs (and the potential conflicts) anymore.


    Not sure what to do now ...


  2. I am currently running Forge with roughly 44 mods in SSP. Today I installed a new mod (Botania) that among other things introduces a bunch of new flowers.


    Now whenever I try to pick one of these flowers I am getting a slightly damaged iron sword instead.


    I had a similar issue before in a different world where whenever I destroyed a disc rack from Bibliocraft I would get an iron pickaxe instead. But at that time I thought that this might have been caused by early versions of IC 2 or BuildCraft.


    But now I was running neither plus I had never used Botania before. So I first assumed that maybe another mod causes this behaviour. I created a new SSP world with just Botania loaded. Then I added one mod after the other and tried every time if the behaviour would show up again but everything worked as intended.


    I even re-created the world with the same seed but I could not reproduce the problem.


    Finally I checked the logs and actually found quite a bunch of "Found block id mismatch" and "Found item id mismatch" entries not just for Botania but also for other mods. Regarding the issue at hand I found:


    [FML/]: Registry : minecraft:iron_sword 267 net.minecraft.item.ItemSword@30596dc
    [FML/Botania]: Add : Botania:botania:flower 467 vazkii.botania.common.block.BlockModFlower@54578b16
    [FML/Botania]: Add : Botania:botania:flower 467 vazkii.botania.common.item.block.ItemBlockWithMetadataAndName@3f6c7c9c
    [FML/]: Found block id mismatch Botania:botania:flower : 467 267



    Now I am not sure where the problem is really located: within Forge or within a mod?


    Hints are highly appreciated!

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