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[1.7.10]Crashing when opening custom Container Gui
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
Thank you so much again, now it works perfectly!!! -
[1.7.10]Crashing when opening custom Container Gui
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
Thanks to everybody for your explanation, I'll try both methods. Thanks again. -
[1.7.10]Crashing when opening custom Container Gui
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
So what if I want to use a texture that covers the whole screen? How can I do it? Why is it restricted to 256x256? Thanks and sorry if I ask too many questions, I'm curious. -
[1.7.10]Crashing when opening custom Container Gui
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
Thank you so much. I have now another problem. I want to use a custom background image that covers all the screen. I made one that's 512x256. For some reason when I add it to the gui using this: @Override public void drawGuiContainerBackgroundLayer(float f, int x, int y){ GL11.glColor4f(1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F, 1.0F); this.mc.getTextureManager().bindTexture(new ResourceLocation("forecraft", "/textures/gui/coreBackground.png")); this.drawTexturedModalRect(0, 0, 0, 0, width, height); } I see this background: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i4o7zwgji8jew7u/Schermata%2010-2456950%20alle%2016.07.39.png?dl=0 This is the actual image and how I want it to look. https://www.dropbox.com/s/f3tgjy8xh0rjew7/coreBackground.png?dl=0 I also would love some explanation about the drawTexturedModalRect method. How does it work? what are 'u' and 'v'? Thanks a lot. -
I suggest you to look into Chicken-Bones CommonUtils Class, here: https://github.com/Chicken-Bones/CodeChickenCore/blob/master/src/codechicken/core/CommonUtils.java#L35-L37 For the mods folder use this public static File getModsFolder(){ return new File(getMinecraftDir(), "mods"); } It's kinda a complicated route but it works
[1.7.10]Crashing when opening custom Container Gui
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
1) That was a stupid mistake of mine 2) Because those are the only coords I have. I looked at Pahimar's example here ( https://github.com/gjkf/Equivalent-Exchange-3/blob/master/src/main/java/com/pahimar/ee3/handler/GuiHandler.java#L87-L88 ) and he uses the given coords too. If that's wrong, which coords should I use? Thanks for the reply. -
Hello everyone, as the title says, I made a block that's a TileEntity and a Container that has a custom Gui. I crash the moment I open the Gui. If I don't add the slot to the container I won't crash and open it will the gui smoothly. Here's the crash report: http://pastebin.com/cmPEpJYL Here are the used classes: Gui: https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/client/gui/inventory/CoreGui.java GuiHandler: https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/handler/GuiHandler.java Block: https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/blocks/BaseCore.java Container: https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/blocks/container/CoreContainer.java TileEntity: https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/blocks/te/BaseCoreTE.java I am pretty new to Containers and TileEntities so I might have made some stupid errors. In that case, please explain how I should do it.
[1.7.10]How to add a property to every biome, vanilla or not
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
Thanks for the help, it works!!! -
[1.7.10]How to add a property to every biome, vanilla or not
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
I got it to work properly. Instead of doing what you suggested me, I used a double for the temperature, then I calculated the Atmospherical Pressure based on that. The temperature I choose is arbitrary, not related to the Minecraft one. I have a last question: What if there's Biomes O' Plenty installed along with my mod? I choose Biomes O' Plenty but I could choose any mod that add Biomes. How can I detect if there are another biomes a part of the Vanilla ones? If you want code examples go here: https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/Main.java#L82-L119 //Main where the Map is https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/weather/Pressure.java#L39-L41 //The Pressure Class https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/blocks/Station.java#L111-L117 //The Weather Station Block Class Thanks for your huge help. -
[1.7.10]How to add a property to every biome, vanilla or not
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
Thanks, I will look into maps, you are right about learning Java while modding isn't a good idea. I tried because I thought I had enough knowledge. Apparently I don't. Back to study then!!! -
[1.7.10]How to add a property to every biome, vanilla or not
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
Ok, so something like this biomesMap.put(new BiomeGenOcean(0), new Pressure()); biomesMap.put(new BiomeGenPlains(1), new Pressure()); biomesMap.put(new BiomeGenDesert(2), new Pressure()); just for all the biomes, right? Here's Pressure package com.gjkf.fc.weather; import net.minecraft.world.biome.BiomeGenBase; public class Pressure { public float pressure; public float getPressure(){ return pressure; } public void setPressure(float temperature, float humidity){ pressure = temperature * 25 + humidity * 100; } } Am I doing it right? If so, how would I then be sure that that's actually working? If not, what am I doing wrong? I have never used Maps, I'm only 15. -
[1.7.10]How to add a property to every biome, vanilla or not
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
That's why I asked you where I create the instance, I mean in which class. I guess it would make sense to do it in the same class where the Map is. -
[1.7.10]How to add a property to every biome, vanilla or not
_gjkf_ replied to _gjkf_'s topic in Modder Support
Thanks for your quick reply. Does my class need to extend something? Where do I create the new instance of that class and in the end, where do I put the map? Sorry for my dumbness -
[1.7.10]How to add a property to every biome, vanilla or not
_gjkf_ posted a topic in Modder Support
Hello everyone!!!I'm trying to make a mod that would allow the player to forecast the weather. I added a Block that - when placed - writes to NBT the temperature and the humidity of the biome where the block is placed in. Now, I was able to get the temperature and the humidity of the biome but one of the factors of forecasting is Atmospheric Pressure. How can I add atmospheric pressure into Minecraft? I found the Temperature and the Humidity of the Biome from the BiomeGenBase class. How can I add to that class my variable with it's own methods (getters and setters) and make sure that every new world/chunk has that in? Is there any other better way to do it? This is what I've got so far: https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/blocks/Station.java // The Weather Station block https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/blocks/te/StationTE.java // The Weather Station TileEntity https://github.com/gjkf/ForeCraft/blob/master/src/main/java/com/gjkf/fc/proxy/CommonProxy.java // Common Proxy, I register the TEs Thanks guys, any help would be really appreciated. -
IT: Davvero fantastica, complimenti, davvero molto fluido (sembra). Supporto assolutamente. EN: Really fantastic, many compliments, really fluid (it seems). I absolutely support.