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  1. Dose anyone have any open source code similar to Minecraft Instant House Mod! I'm looking for something for version 1.6.4
  2. HI! Is there any one out here that can help me fix this... or does anyone have some simple code that I could use to generate structure of any type in minecraft? I am editing minecraft 1.6.4 using Eclipse. There are two links below. (Main.java).... GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(new MyWorldGen()); package mymod.worldgen(World Generator)... http://pastebin.com/KMYcJ7rD Minecraft Crash Report.... http://pastebin.com/i1G9yhxv There are no visible errors that I can see but Minecraft crashes every time. Can someone please tell me how to go about correcting this? I placement code is what is causing the crash. ?? Thank you
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