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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by dark_messiah20

  1. Hmm not sure, ugh if you have skype, well add me : kasparello1
  2. Ok guys! I updated forge to latest recommended, I fixed textures, some are working perfect but now its displaying Obsidian boots instead of leggings and so on. Also it gives me an error when I put on my armor. The same problem goes with my netherrium mod armor. Pretty big error! Heres my mod_obsidianarmor
  3. Ok, Ill do it when i have time, then report back.
  4. How DO I UPDATE MY FORGE? do i have to redownload new forge again? please explain!
  5. Ok I fixed, no errors , but now my textures are messed up as HELL, missing textures, texture glitches and what not, and how do I even update forge without reinstalling it? because im not going to reinstall anything... and tell me how do i fix textures?
  6. Yeah ,but i have the png I mean wtf is going on... Maybe I wrote something wrong with the import things?
  7. Please someone help :c
  8. Hello! Please help. This is my crashlog from minecraft launcher. This is my crash log from ECLIPSE Heres my Mod_NetherRium class Then here is my ItemArmor class If you need all my mod files Please comment below me your skype nick so I can add you and send you my mod files! Please help me fix these errors
  9. Please? Anyone?
  10. Hey! First of all Im new to this forge forums and Im an MOD MAKER you can checkout my mods here: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1043277-125-dark-messiahs-mods-v18-npc-mod/ Now ive been using forge alot with 1.2.5 and it was fairly easy and very simple for me to understand how stuff works, since forge is updated for 1.3.1, and theres been a tons of new changes im really stuck. :'( I really need help on getting my mods working! I need to completly re-write all my mods to work on 1.3.1 and forge 4.x So if anyone here maybe would give me an hand and help me re-write all my mods I would gladly appreciate. If you can I will send you my skype. Im just learning all this programming/modmaking stuff so yeah I kinda suck at some stuff.
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