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Stone Miner

Stone Miner (3/8)



  1. It did within a child class.
  2. Something here fixed it, not 100% sure what the issue was.
  3. ITickable replaced IUpdatePlayerListBox AFAIK
  4. https://github.com/disconsented/Cristalllum/blob/master/src/main/java/disconsented/cristallum/tileEntity/TileCrystal.java#L64 The potion effect is applied and visual effects can be seen and it will tick down(to 0 but will never be removed) but none of the effects will happen (I.E. Poison won't damage) the issue appears to be that the TE is only ticking client side. Any ideas on the cause?
  5. Ah cool cheers. Edit: I was specifically talking about ItemCraftedEvent in case it matters.
  6. Looks like all PlayerEvent's with items is affected by this
  7. When removing a smelted item from a furnace with left click the correct stack size is passed through the event, shift clicking will always return a stack size of 0.
  8. You're a magician (sorted it thanks to you)!
  9. https://github.com/disconsented/ANSSRPG/blob/1.8/src/main/java/disconsented/anssrpg/Main.java#L80 TL;DR is a client command not a server command and it works fine.
  10. Yep, same results. I am guessing that something is being thrown silently but I don't see anything in my logs (I also pushed my changes to the repo if you want to clone and poke at it).
  11. Client command which I know is run (break point triggered) Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new GUIExperience());
  12. I have been using Minecraft.getMinecraft().displayGuiScreen(new Foo()); Which will not fire drawScreen() but it will fire initGui() (verified with breakpoints). Code: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/262437fbb85368eb612b Any ideas on why drawScreen() is not fired?
  13. Ah I had a silly cheers (Thought that was for texture U,V for some reason)
  14. Unless I am using a different drawTexturedModalRect the first two int's are the position on screen it draws from not the position of the texture it draws from
  15. How do I draw part of a texture? I've noticed that there are a few textures with different components in the same image but I have had trouble finding how vanilla does this
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