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  1. So I don't need a tick handler to check? I will test this out later.
  2. I don't know how to check if the player is sprinting. I know there is a issprinting method or something to that effect but it is only called when the player starts sprinting.
  3. I want a tick handler that checks if the player is sprinting. When the player is sprinting and wearing specific armor I want particles to follow the player and for the player to have strength. I know how to do potion effects and armor checks, I just don't know about the tick handler and particles. I also want to know if it would be possible to check the amount of blocks the player ran and when the player runs the specific blocks they get a potion effect.
  4. So where do I put that code?
  5. On a side note, does anyone know of any videos that are easy to follow that explain basic java.
  6. Sorry that I don't know that much java. I really don't want to learn it because I wont need it other then for this. I fixed the override but I don't know how to "grab 'entityLiving', check if its player (instanceof/cast), then get current held item (the stack) and set it different, new one." and idk what the code at bottem is.
  7. I will try to make a armor model now.
  8. I'm completely lost, but what i'm trying to do it make it so your skin changes when you wear certain armor. I want this because armor looks too blocks and doesn't cover your hands and over places. Also then you don't need to have 4 armor pieces.
  9. Idk how to render the players model but I will try to do so with a tick handler so it knows when the player is wearing the armor.
  10. I know it is possible to morph players. Is there a way to use a method that those mods do as it is pretty much the same thing.
  11. I am trying to make a item be replaced with another onEntitySwing(Left Click). I looked around on the forums and online but couldn't figure it out. Here is my current code: @Override onEntitySwing() { };
  12. No I haven't tried yet as I have no idea where to start.
  13. In my mod I want a piece of armor (chest plate) that changes the players skin. I have moderate experience with coding. I have no idea where to start or even if this is possible. If you can help me I would appreciate it.
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