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  1. I tried a folder that was in my user folder instead of the C drive and it works fine now. Not sure what was going on there.
  2. the workspace path is C:\MinecraftMod\eclipse
  3. I meant that the workspace Is in unzippedfolder/eclipse
  4. it is in the unzipped stuff/eclipse folder
  5. This has happened in the past, and I cant remember how I fixed it. I downloaded the mdk and unzipped it. I ran gradlew setupdecompworkspace --refresh-dependencies I ran gradlew eclipse I opened eclipse and when I try to open the project it says that the .project file isn't there, but it is there! What did I do wrong
  6. It appears that overriding that worked
  7. I believe that I may have found it, desguised as func_180431_b(DamageSource p_180431_1_). Is this what should be inside of it (in the Entity class) public boolean func_180431_b(DamageSource p_180431_1_) { return this.invulnerable && p_180431_1_ != DamageSource.outOfWorld && !p_180431_1_.func_180136_u(); }
  8. I am using forge 1.8, since when I tried following the instructions to update forge on the latest it didnt work (I assume because of the new Mdk thingamadoodle) I updated that from the latest 1.7.10, since I was originally following pahimar's LMR series, but then switched to another tutorial that is for 1.8
  9. I am currently making a mod wherein I need an entity that A: should not be able to be damaged and B: should not be able to move. How can I do this? I can't find anything along the lines of get/set Invulnerable and canBePushed and canBeCollided with arent working! Thanks in advance
  10. How? Can I have exact code (besides what is inside the method)?
  11. But what I want to know is HOW DO I TELL IT TO DO STUFF each tick and when it is destroyed?
  12. I mean that I want it to have a damage value of 600 that goes down one every tick. When it is destroyed, then I want it to be replaced with a new item.
  13. Hey, I am Mrab Ezreb. I am making a mod and I want to make a certain item have a 600 tick (30 second) timer, and after that, change it into a different item. (the idea is that it cools down) I Know everything (I think) that I need to know, except for how to override it, I can't figure that part out. Thanks!
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