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Tree Puncher

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  1. I remember doing some searching and found a solution you provided back in 2012 to same the problem, but I didn't quite understand it.
  2. From this I can tell it isn't getting called period.
  3. Still unsolved.
  4. That's from 1.5 so it is likely far outdated.
  5. That does not seem like it will be an easy task.
  6. Hi, I'm looking to override the death message that goes into the chat when a player is killed by one of my mobs.
  7. How would I go about making a combination tool? A tool that could be a pickaxe and a hatchet, or a pickaxe and a shovel, or any combination. I currently tried using a method where it can harvest all blocks except ones listed like this [for a pickaxe and shovel combo] but it is able to harvest all 3 types effectively: @Override public boolean canHarvestBlock(Block par1, ItemStack itemStack) { boolean isHarvestable; isHarvestable= (par1 == Blocks.bedrock || par1 == Blocks.log || par1 == Blocks.log2); return !(isHarvestable); }
  8. But then if you are close to it you'll just hear the sound constantly starting, not playing once it ends.
  9. Won't this make it start the sound every tick?
  10. So I have my portal block and it operates, but how do I make it give off a sound when you are near it?
  11. Is there any tutorials or anything regarding PlayBackgroundMusicEvent because I haven't personally ever used it.
  12. So sometimes, the particles that are given off by my projectiles are just left in the air (just parts of it) and just seem to float there indefinitely. My particle spawn code: And the actual particle code:
  13. So, make a class and every tick check the dimension and then use the event?
  14. How does one go about doing something like this? Also is it possible to add music whenever a mob is alive (that doesn't repeat and doesn't keep playing after it dies).
  15. So, if I have my mob entity class, how do I go about checking what that mobs current health is, and possibly changing it (adding to it). I'm just wondering if there is something like this.getHealth().
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