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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Is there a good example to look at for spawning the entityItem?
  2. Hmm. It seems as though the TileEntity has already been destroyed by the time getDrops is called. Any ideas?
  3. That makes perfect sense! Thanks a ton!
  4. Hey guys. I've been trying to suss through most of this without asking any questions on the forums - but I've hit an issue I can't seem to find an answer to. I have a TileEntity that when placed, assigns the placing player as its owner (just a string on the tileentity that gets saved in the nbt). However, I want that data to persist if the player breaks the block (and thus its in their inventory) and later places it. Sort of like how the Tesseracts in TE remember their owner (and other settings), etc. Any ideas?
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