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Posts posted by DeathHammer000

  1. Great to hear that Forge 11 will be coming soon. Since, as you say, 1.8 will not be a very big update (only the rendering changes may turn out to be an obstacle), I will be skipping 1.7 altogether and get access to new features of both Minecraft 1.8 and mods designed for it..


    Just one question: since I, amongst others will want to cram Minecraft with 200+ mods, will there be a way for Forge to store data separately from vanilla Minecraft (like a Forge.dat file; vanilla should be prevented from reading it to cause a crash)? It's just that vanilla seems like nothing but a skeletal framework next to gargantuan modpacks like the Monumental Modpack (which dwarfs even the biggest FTB creations).


    One more thing: to make updating mods easier, introduce version-specific code usage. Code that can be used for one version of Minecraft should be used by a specific version of Forge - or perhaps there should be a way for code to be "translated" - i.e. the base of the code can be changed to suit the version of Minecraft but the stuff that makes the mod unique (like blocks, tile-entities and items) doesn't have to as much.

  2. As we know, the bane of people who play with mods is ID conflicts, due to the broken ID conflict resolving algorithm for Forge version 9. This was fixed in Forge 10, but most, like me, stick with 1.6.4 due to the fact that most mods for 1.7.2 are unstable due to the changes that Mojang made, and the changes that had to be made to Forge.


    I have searched for answers as to why it was broken, but found nothing. What I want to know is: why? Why was the algorithm broken for Forge 9?

  3. When I found out that my post was locked by an admin, I felt resentment; I did not have the chance to explain what I meant in terms of the ID expansion system that I proposed and about what I meant.


    So here's the comment and what I really meant to say:


    "Hello. My name is DeathHammer000.


    I am a lover of mods (with 275 in my game and counting!). Yet there are things that trouble me and other like me...


    1.7.2, I understand, was very hard for the Forge guys to update to. Modders also had trouble updating. In fact, I could only find 80 worthy mods for my 1.7.2 modpack and the 1.8 snapshots are already being released!


    I, therefore, use 1.6.4. There are many more mods for this version, however, because of the sheer number of mods I have, I don't have enough block, entity and biome IDs left. And the Forge devs are not working on 1.6.4 anymore.


    My idea is an ID expansion addon/patch which allows more IDs for EVERYTHING. Potions, enchantments, blocks, biomes... EVERYTHING.


    I would appreciate it if someone could make this for Forge


    I would also like a mod backporting tool (modders are now concentrating on 1.7.2 and are adding features that will most likely never be in 1.6.4).


    I really do hope that someone can make these tools.


    Thank you."


    When I was told that support must be added by Mojang, I thought of a solution - a separate storage system. I got this reply:


    "And then when vanilla tries to read said data, because it physically cant store the numbers you're talking about it either overflows, reads missaligned, throws a negative bound error, or whatever side effect of whatever system was in place."


    What I meant was for a system to be in place that prevents vanilla from reading the mod data, so that such errors/crashes are avoided. And even if you don't support it anymore, then there should still be someone willing to add support for an older version of Forge.


    But I read the rest of the post from LexManos and got this remark: "OMG you use a billion mods and your limited resources are taken up.. For shame!"


    How is having 275 mods a shameful thing?! I really did feel antagonised - and this was all because of a suggestion. I really do expect better - especially from an admin. And then to leave me with a locked post with no chance to explain what I mean (I admit, that was an error on my part) - I was outraged. A simple idea should not be met with something like this.

  4. I'm not sure as to how that would occur; I'm pretty sure that Forge can store vanilla data (which vanilla can use) and mod data (which it can't) separately to avoid such things. The other option would be to change base files in Minecraft using Forge, but that would be very risky.


    My logic also tells me that a block with ID 2788 should still register in a system with more IDs.

  5. Hello. My name is DeathHammer000.


    I am a lover of mods (with 275 in my game and counting!). Yet there are things that trouble me and other like me...


    1.7.2, I understand, was very hard for the Forge guys to update to. Modders also had trouble updating. In fact, I could only find 80 worthy mods for my 1.7.2 modpack and the 1.8 snapshots are already being released!


    I, therefore, use 1.6.4. There are many more mods for this version, however, because of the sheer number of mods I have, I don't have enough block, entity and biome IDs left. And the Forge devs are not working on 1.6.4 anymore.


    My idea is an ID expansion addon/patch which allows more IDs for EVERYTHING. Potions, enchantments, blocks, biomes... EVERYTHING.


    I would appreciate it if someone could make this for Forge


    I would also like a mod backporting tool (modders are now concentrating on 1.7.2 and are adding features that will most likely never be in 1.6.4).


    I really do hope that someone can make these tools.


    Thank you.

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