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  1. Can someone please help me
  2. V0.0.4 is now up I have added a youtube video with all the new stuff in V0.0.4 hope you like it. Also V0.0.5 Will be the biggest update yet so keep your eye out for that.
  3. I really want to create my own Biome and wondering how do you do it. I am not that good at java but I am learning it by making a mod. Can someone please help me :-)
  4. Can you lot give me feedback please I really want to make the best mod possible and I can only do that with your help
  5. Hello everyone, I am making a mod called More Ores and Tools. I know the name is a bit bland but it's subject to change just like anything in the mod. About this mod List of Blocks and Items that are in the mod. Download Links: V0.0.1 - http://www.mediafire...5hebt142k10ao0a V0.0.2 - https://www.mediafir...s7o8z121s0bim3s V0.0.3 - https://www.mediafir...1j76hzjtwdd48i1 V0.0.4 - https://www.mediafire.com/?796k0vkh1cb88at Changelog Youtube Video's Install Bugs Credits: Roblox0033 - Bringing you lot this mod SackCastellon - For helping me with my RandomOre.
  6. Can we please see the files that has the biome code in please.
  7. Please help me guys
  8. Can someone please tell me how to make a biome and for people who want to make a biome. Also if possible can someone please help making a biome manager Thanks in advance :-)
  9. I fixed it now I put RubyOreBlock instead of RubyOre now it works
  10. That error report is what I got when I clicked tabOres
  11. I don't know why it won't work just want to make it tidy all the content from my mod in it's own creativetabs Here is my Main Class And here is the class where I am putting the block And here is the crash log when I run it And here is the RubyOreBlock Class
  12. I am trying to put all my Items and Blocks into there own section on Creative Mode but for some reason Blocks are not working with it the Item section is working find but when I click on the second option witch is the Blocks Option it crashes and closes:/ here is my code CreativeTabBlocks Blocks Please help I really want this to work
  13. I have no idea just wanted to make it like Lucky block
  14. @SackCastellon I tried but failed will you be able to change my code so it's only drops a curtan number of 1 item at a time please and make some items rare like diamond so 1/20 chance of getting diamond and do it with all of them but the non rare items are like 1/3 for example only if you can but can you keep the quantityDropped = numbers the same if that's ok
  15. Also can you make it so only 4 of one item comes out at a time doesn't work for me I don't know why
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