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  1. Ok, been fooling around with this I added the override to spawn the custom hook, I am not sure how to change the theIcon variable or what to adjust with the Onupdate, func_146033 that you mentioned. I'll show you what I've done so far, its not working atm, it crashes now when I right click with the rod, I assume that's because I haven't changed the things in the hook entity that need changing The fishing rod- And the custom hook Under the Onupdate I see this line: if (this.field_146042_b.isDead || !this.field_146042_b.isEntityAlive() || itemstack == null || itemstack.getItem() != Items.fishing_rod || this.getDistanceSqToEntity(this.field_146042_b) > 1024.0D) Do I need to change the Items.fishing_rod to my custom rod item? If so, how do I do that, I tried and get an error I can't seem to fix. Again, thanks to both of you for the help
  2. Thanks for replying Creating a custom fishing pole that acts just like the regular one is where I was wanting to start, unfortunately I'm just not knowledgeable enough in the programing to get it to work. Best I've managed was to make an item that extends the FishingRod, but all I can get it to do is shoot out a hook and immediately retract. Probably asking a lot, but how do I go about overriding the on right click to spawn a custom entity? The topic you linked is interesting and makes me think doing this is going to be complicated and way over my head
  3. Hi, I'm am a beginner at modding - I've been fooling around with modding 1.7.2 with eclipse, looked at several tutorials... I've gotten to where I can do a lot of the basic things, adding items/recipes/foods. But something I want to do is add a custom fishing pole that would be capable of catching items(fish) that I add into the game. Could anyone help me out on how to do this? I've searched for info on modding the fishing rods but couldn't find anything. Any help would be appreciated.
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