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  1. Ah, I understand the frustration of explaining simple programming concepts; but I guess its just been a very long time sense I've been on the receiving end, so sorry about that. I'll go cycle through most of the vanilla blocks to check if they rotate correctly, although I don't know how I would specify a stair to be upside down and facing north. I guess I could rotate it north and then up.
  2. True I didn't look to see where the RotationHelper was being used, but that was because when I looked at it it seemed useless. Now I understand where you're coming from, but Jesus Christ tone down the narcissism jackass. On a similar note my understanding could still be warped, but is it intended for all but 7 of the vanilla blocks to only be rotated upwards or downwards? To me it looks like at least stairs should be able to rotate it just about ever direction. Also is it to much to ask for a getCurrentRotation method?
  3. Today I was shocked to find that the RotationHelper is next to useless. I assumed the RotationHelper was some sort of compatibility layer to allow both vanilla and custom blocks to be rotated easily. Obviously I was wrong, So I come here to suggest just this sort of thing.
  4. That is very disappointing, and it's not as if I'm incapable of doing the rotation on my own. I just assumed that the RotationHelper was acting as a compatibility layer just as the OreDict does.
  5. Hi, So honestly the RotationHelper confuses the hell out of me. At first I figured it was something akin to the OreDict but for rotation, So that you can rotate any type of block as long as it is registered and able. I was wrong. It looks like it can only rotate vanilla blocks or extensions of vanilla blocks, and best yet 80% of rotatable blocks are only allowed to be rotate upward or downwards. I also cant imaging extending the RotationHelper class because the useful methods and property are private. Ideas? Update As pointed out Here the Rotation Helper is used by the Block class in its methods rotateBlock, and getValidRotations. Basically means there is the compatibility layer I was hoping for. It is in the form of methods inside the Block class that can be overwritten by your custom block's classes.
  6. Ah alrighty. I already made a schedule type system so if need be I can delay execution for a few ticks. *Update* Sorry about the 3 day delay, But I finally got around to testing it out. It turns out that it does work for both the server and client worlds without the need of a tick delay. Sadly the problem was due to a helper function not actually setting the rotation correctly. Infact it just set its metadata to 0; Which is why I had no idea what was going on. Thanks for your help everyone
  7. Out of curiosity, It seems unlikely, but do you have to set it after exactly one tick? Also did you have to send any specific flags with it?
  8. Ah, Thanks buddy. I was hoping that wasn't the issue simply because I'm using the client world to debug/test without having to fix the damage done to the world. I will post back later to confirm that using the client world was the issue
  9. Solved Oh hi, As the title suggests I am attempting to rotate stairs with metadata. To be exact I am trying to place a stair with the desired rotation. I am using the Clientside World Object which may be an issue but i doubt it. At first I used this.world.setBlock(x,y,z,this.block,this.metadata,3); However it just sets the stair ignoring the metadata(attempted numbers 0-15). After reading some thread on bukkit they suggested waiting a tick or so then updating the metadata. I also tried that, but it didn't work out either. This is what I run a tick or so after placing the stair. this.world.setBlockMetadataWithNotify(x,y,z,this.metadata,2);
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