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    No really, this is not a yam.

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  1. Ah. Guess I'll have to find something else to do then.
  2. Responding to point A, I really haven't found anything else that attempts to deal with this specific problem. There is the OreDictionary, but that does something completely different and still leaves the duplicate items in. For point B, you are most likely correct for everything else, but I know that registering liquids has this problem. The rest still stands, though.
  3. I've copied this from my own post in the mods subforum and deleted the old one, because it's really not a complete mod as of now. Sorry to anyone who's already seen that one. If you're wondering why this isn't in WIP mods after reading it, it's because WIP mods has virtually no traffic and the main point of this post is to gauge interest. So I've been playing with mods on and off for a while, and one of the things that's really bugged me has been that almost every "tech" mod has added copper, tin, lead, or silver. Despite the OreDictionary, I as a player know that there are up to five different copper ores when I play certain modpacks. Dealing with these different ores, some of which cannot be disabled, is annoying without resorting to hacky solutions like OreDictionary converters, which come with problems of their own, like letting one turn bamboo into sticks. Additionally, removing a mod may result in some or all of certain resources disappearing because the version that particular mod provided just happened to be used as an output by the OreDictionary or some machine. Most of the blocks and items added by large numbers of mods are pretty simple, and basically identical between mods. What is the interest in a small mod that takes a resource name, texture, and a few basic properties, and provides the same block or item to every other mod requesting it? I have a rough but almost-usable proof of concept, so it is feasible, but it would really only work if there were people, as in modders, interested in using it. Just in case anyone wants to check it out, here is a github link. Please let me know what you think, and what it would take for you to consider using it in your own mod. ____ edit: Also, there's the whole "no two items can have the same name" thing that's happening starting with this Minecraft version. Any modders who use something like this mod to add generic ores and such won't have to disable them when other mods are installed just to prevent crashes.
  4. I am overriding the Material (and Block, and Item) class(es) so that I can specify blocks purely through configuration files. (i.e. something like MineTweaker but for blocks and items instead of recipes) I could probably figure these out, but if anyone knows already and could save me some time and testing, I would be grateful. Assuming canBlockGrass returns whether a block blocks the spread of grass, how does this work and under what conditions is the spread "blocked"? Is this even what this function means? getMaterialMobility returns an int. I have only the faintest clue of what that int represents, and the documentation for it does not seem to exist. what exactly does isAdventureModeExempt mean? I am assuming isSolid determines if a block can be targeted (e.g. for block placement) and not whether it can be walked through. This seems to be at least partially correct, given that there is also a separate property blocksMovement, but not entirely correct as the block can still be targeted for breaking. What does isOpaque affect other than rendering (and potential x-ray abuse)? I know it carries several seemingly unrelated properties, but which ones?
  5. I was looking through the Forge Javadoc, and found damageDropped dropBlockAsItem dropBlockAsItem (again with different sig) dropBlockAsItemWithChance getDrops getItemDropped quantityDropped quantityDropped (again with different sig) guantityDroppedWithBonus I'm assuming I should be overriding getDrops, but I'm wondering what all the others are for. Also, why are there so many functions that don't say what they do and have parameters with names like p_164584_2? It only seems to make finding stuff I'm _supposed_ to be using unnecessarily confusing.
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