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  1. Yea they seam really tricky to work with but i hope to find some wich you can animate for mobs that is
  2. So i have gotten started. With aome modding and i have learned that techne can cause a couple of hiccups in my coding (altough theire easy to fix) so i hope someone could tell me about what they think is the best thing to use when modding and post a link to a guide or the programs website And also if theres any difference in using .obj models like those realy detailed ones too? Thanks if anyone care to help ! (: ~Taco
  3. Ah! That worked thanks!
  4. public void addInformation(ItemStack par1ItemStack, List par2List) { par2List.add("test"); } this is what i came up with put i get an error saying Void is an invalid type for the variable addinformation
  5. ignore my previous post i clicked the wrong post sorry =P
  6. hi i was wondering if anyone here knew how to make an item show a description in grey text when hovered over in inventory or when shifted while hovering over the item if anyone could help i would be Grateful (Sorry if my english gets a bit terrible not my main language).
  7. oh Yes i figured it out by myself just had to do it the old-fasioned way thanks for helping anyway!
  8. any code you need and where should i put the block.setTextureName?
  9. still makes the same particles and messes up the texture to i put it into the assets.modid.textures.model folder
  10. yes but i'm using a custom model a TileEntity so i put the texture into models
  11. here is the line i use in my main mod class atleast blockCrate = new Crate(Material.wood).setBlockName("Crate").setBlockTextureName("Crate"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(blockCrate, "Crate");
  12. hi this is probably just a small small error but anyone know why the breaking particles on my custom rndered block uses the missing texture the block looks fine untill you start breaking it when those horrible black and purple particles shows up anyone who can tell what the problem is without seeing my code (Just reply if you need to).
  13. so in that case crateedgefive.addBox(-1F, -1F, -1F, 1, 18, 2); is the line wich the error accures on? i still cant find a way to fix it (i'm really new to modding so please bare with me)
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