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Everything posted by TheGoldSun

  1. OHHH!! Well, thanks! Tomorrow I will try. If I not misunderstood, in the istance of the item i use setContainerItem(), with - as argument - the item that have to return back after crafting? However, very thanks! I'll let you know if I solve my problem. Good night folks! Edit: Finally I verified the method setContainerItem and it worked perfectly, very very thanks. The starting idea is something just like the "forge hammer" or the "cable cutter" in industrialcraft, a tool usable in the crafting table that decreas his health, and I'm quite near to discover how to Thanks. I'll modify the topit title with [sOLVED].
  2. Hi! I can't see in the code (but I'm not so expert with FML, so I just trying to give you an idea) the point where it should check the inventory. You should execute, I think, three checks: 1) if the player has got any sword. 2) check each sword and value. 3) the best value obtained will determinate the stack to render. About the 2nd point, I wonder.... How do you "know" the value of the item? May I suggest a check variable, eg. "maxValuable"? If wood = 1, gold = 2, iron = 3, diamond = 4 (just samples), on every item check, if the item value is better than maxValuable value (that start with 0 = not rendering anything) so update maxValuable. At the end, check maxValuable and render what is appropriate. Hope this could help you!
  3. First all, nice to be here and greetings everyone My name is Federico, TheGoldSun on Minecraft. I'm a programmer and I recently decided to explore Forge to develop something interesting. My favourite mod is IndustrialCraft2, and actually I'm playing the experimental version, great even with bugs and unfinished mechanics. However, let me ask something to more expert modders as you are! I wonder, how can I make an item or a block similar to buckets? I mean... Using a bucket in a recipe, the result is a new item but it returns also empty buckets. Now, of course a filled bucket (water/milk/lava ecc) has is own id, and empty bucket has another one.. So, it's there some arguments to add - may be - tu GameRegistry.addRecipe () to give player back some ItemStack? Searching in bucket classes and in Blocks and Items classes gave me no hints about it. I thought another way could be create an event handler that give player an ItemStack on the crafting of something else, but again.. no hints about that. I even thought that could be a property of item but nothing, it seems there is not anything like that in the properties or methods of Item or Block. Even possible I missed it, of course. So, can anybody help me and reaveal the trick? Thanks in advance, and sorry if I made some mistake explaining my question, my english is not so good.. Bye!
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