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  1. Thank you very much. Marked as solved. EDIT: For anyone who sees this thread in the future, I left out the super call in the writeToNBT() function which is preventing the data from saving properly: super.writeToNBT(compound);
  2. Solved the problem by changing sorter.isFull = true / false; into ((TileSedimentSorter)worldIn.getTileEntity(pos)).isFull = true / false; For some reason when I change the value after storing it as a variable my changes don't stick. Would anyone care to explain why this happens? Fixed #onBlockActivated()
  3. You likely made the bounding box size only 0.0011 rather than 1 - 0.0011 which would make it a microscopic dot on the corner of the block.
  4. Guessed Solution: Make sure to register all your blocks/items in preinit and register your renders during init. If you provide your code we may actually be able to help without guessing what the methods do.
  5. I have created a Block and a TileEntity. The TileEntity can either be filled with water or not, this is determined by the isFull boolean value. In the Block using the #onBlockActivated() method I check if the TileEntity contains water or not. Based on this I either fill or empty a water bucket and add the water into the TileEntity, then change the BlockState of the Block to correspond with this. The problem is that the value isFull is not getting synchronized properly between the server/client (I think). In 1.9 the World#markBlockForUpdate() method was removed/changed and as a result have skipped this and just used #markDirty() on the TileEntity. Any help in fixing this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! TileEntity Code Block #onBlockActivated()
  6. Your path to the texture isn't right. It's looking in the minecraft assets to find the texture because your resource location links to the wrong spot. For locations in your mod, you specify your modid as the first argument and give the path from your mod's assets folder as the second argument. Set your resource location like this and see if it works: mobTexture = new ResourceLocation("zquest", "/textures/entity/Peahat.png");
  7. I just did a quick search on the forums and found this tutorial: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=29810.0 Seems to be what you want (Rendering Block using a .obj file).
  8. I am trying to have a furnace-type container that renders three ItemStacks above it based on what is in the container. Everything works as intended except the ItemStacks on the top of the container will only update whenever you open the container. I have tried using World.markBlockForUpdate(...) but that doesn't seem to help at all. I am rendering the ItemStacks in the TileEntity's render method. Source is located below for the classes. If you need any more information please let me know. Thanks! Block TileEntity Container Gui
  9. As you can see from the title, the following code I am using creates ghost items in my custom workbench. Things to note: [*]No ghost items are created upon shift clicking on the output slot [*]I have left comments on pretty much every line for the shift clicking, if I described anything wrong please let me know what the correct comment should be [*]I am almost 100% sure the ghost items are being created in the transferStackInSlot method ContainerUpgradeTable If you require anything else from me, please let me know. Thank you for your time EDIT: Solved by simply adding slot.onSlotChanged(); after setting the itemstack to null when the itemstack has reached a size of 0.
  10. Turns out the custom class MusicsResourceLocation was breaking it. I should have looked at ResourceLocation better. Thanks for all the help Problem Solved.
  11. Thanks for helping I cleaned up the MusicsRecord class, didn't seem to change much but it did make it much neater. I need to have a custom resource location or else the game will try loading the sounds from the minecraft assets folder instead of the musics assets folder. MusicsRecord.java EDIT: Furthing looking into the ResourceLocation class it looks like you can just specify what I need to edit. Deleting the MusicsResourceLocation class, as it is now pointless.
  12. Sorry for kinda spamming my own post :L Now I'm seriously confused. If I use player.playSound("musics:records.hey_brother" 1F, 1F); it actually plays the music disc sound correctly, but it is unable to find the sound when putting the disc into a jukebox. Anyone know a fix for this?
  13. Forgot to mension that I created a new MusicsResourceLocation class so Forge will check the right folder for the sounds and such. Not sure if its working as intended though lol.
  14. Thank you for replying, this is my new sounds.json file that is essentially a copy of the default music disc format for the sounds. My sounds are placed in the correct folders and are named correctly because I am not getting any errors in the console from it. The sounds.json file is also loading below. sounds.json I am still getting the same error of Unable to play unknown soundEvent: musics:records.hey_brother though :L
  15. Fixed one problem, turns out the location of the sounds.json file has to be in the same location as the folder sounds.
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