She is most likely talking about ad fly and media fire that both Forge and Pixelmon are using. She is correct that they are buried with ads and are tricking you to download useless software filled with malware and garbage. I remember first time looking at ad fly download page and being unsure what to do. I simply gave up until someone told me that there is in fact "SKIP AD" button in the top right corner that actually went to plain download page.
So to mom of an 8 yr old from a dad of a 7 yr old, I understand your pain. Seriously there has got to be a better way to have ad supported site than using service that spreads junk like that tricking users into downloads.
This is what I use for my family. Lets say my kid wants to play only Orespawn mod to make this simple;
Create new profile, set game directory to c:\Minecraft\Orespawn.
Choose Minecraft 1.6.4 for version from dropdown.
Run this profile so 1.6.4 gets downloaded. Get out of game. Now you have some basic folders at c:\Minecraft\Orespawn..
Run forge Windows installer and just keep default path for client to wherever it points .like C:\Users\zzzzz\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft
Edit profile and for version pick Forge for 1.6.4 that was installed. Run the game.
Now you have mods folder added to c:\Minecraft\Orespawn.
Plop your Orespawn jar in the folder and you are done.
Clean and separate from everything else.
I am curious which log is this? Looks sort of like my fml server latest but it is way too short and does not have any DEBUG lines in it. Is it different forge install than what Installer-win uses?
Here is mine: .
Can you double check that you have these two files?
Not dev or api versions.
Also TeamCOFH posted new version of their mods last night. I can't tell from your log which jar you got. That is the weirdest part about the log.
Not convinced it is volcanoes. Went to creative mode and flew a whole lot. Never found a single village or any other structure. And then it crashed again. Possibly a village? I will just start avoding that spot for now. Tired of this.
Only thing all three locations had in common in MCedit was a volcano. Not sure if that was what caused it or something near them. Needless to say, I removed some mods, blew away the chunks and moving on with my life. Thanks for the reply.
It looks like you are doing things ok just try this procedure that I am using:
Run minecraft launcher and create new profile. Choose 1.7.2 in a dropdown and set the path for the profile to something like c:\users\documents\1.7.2Modded . It doesn't have to be in a complicated place.
Click play and then exit the game. Make sure folder is created at the location above and some basic minecraft folders are in there.
Then run Forge installer for 1.7.2. Just click install since default option is client install. Don't change any locations. Close the installer after it is done.
Open minecraft launcher again and go to edit 1.7.2Modded profile. In the version dropdown choose Forge 1.7.2 whatever version it is that you installed. Save changed profile and click play.
Quit minecraft again. At the folder above you should now have mods folder and just drop the mods in.
Follow installation instructions at the link below and if you get a crash follow authors bug reporting procedure.
What is 3rd page achievement? Something added by a mod? Vanilla has only one page and a "Done" button.
I don't think forge for 1.6.4 is supported any longer. How about making a pack for version 1.7.2?
If you insist on 1.6.4 add one mod at a time until you have issues. Then check with mod author.