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  1. ok thank for this help
  2. how you deduce that is func_96508_e?
  3. ^^ Yes I think but I don't find this method, I search during a week
  4. is not for me, I was pay for make this mod.... I do not decide
  5. ho..... But I don't have getTeam("test") method
  6. ok I test with: if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getTeam() == player.worldObj.getScoreboard().getPlayersTeam("test")) { System.out.println("je suis détecté"); }
  7. thnaks but i have an error: Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getScoreboard() from the type World Eclipse would change public to public static
  8. Hello all, I have this method: Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getTeam() for get player's team instance but I want check in which team the player belongs I would use a simple condition similar at: if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getTeam() == methodForGetTeam) { } else if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getTeam() ==methodForGetSecondTeam) { } hoping to have been explicit
  9. yes I know but I watch you that I can call method Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.equals(ScoreboardPlayerTeam.getPlayersTeam.teamMemberships) this function don't work for get player's team
  10. ((EntityPlayer)entity).addChatMessage("message"); you speak about that?
  11. can you just take me a condition working
  12. I have this method: public Team getTeam() { return this.getWorldScoreboard().getPlayersTeam(this.username); } but how to caught the player team with this method?
  13. sorry I'm bad in english... so I don't know how I can get the player's team
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