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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Thank you soooo much! I used the method of overriding updateAITick and getRecipes!
  2. I am making a mob with a trading system like a villager. It has all different attributes and textures and particles and sounds, but it still has the same trading as a villager. I want to only use my custom trades (which I have in the list already) but to remove the other recipes. I already deleted them in my file, but since I am extending EntityVillager (I think this is why) they still have the same recipes in game as a normal villager. How would I remove the trades from my "Villager" and add my new trades?
  3. I have a working mob, but have a question. How would I have the mob always have something in its hand that it always drops when killed and that it uses to fight the player?
  4. This doesn't work...I did try again though Block Class And the TileEntity Class Any help? I have tried many methods...
  5. Thank you, can't wait for that next part
  6. So how would you change it to be using stone as the entire structure? (just as an example)
  7. How would I do an onBlockActivated of the MultiBlock = player.openGui?
  8. I am sorry to be such a noob, but where and how do I specify my specific blocks I am using and the location of each one?
  9. Thank you for your tutorial, it helps me (who is new to modding) get the tile entity class. But I don't get the Block class and how to decide each block, and where they go, and then call it. I've tried some methods that didn't work and got frustrated before deleting that code and writing new code that still won't work. Any help is appreciated!
  10. I don't really get the idea of how this works. Is there some documentation or full tutorial on this?
  11. I can't get my multiblock to form, any more words of wisdom you can offer?
  12. How would I go about doing the block class?
  13. I want to create a normal multi block structure in my mod, but I have no idea where to start. Can anybody at least point me in the right direction or help me do this?
  14. I got it to work using the .placeDoorBlock method! I used metadata 3 and got it to work, with the pressure plates. Thanks everyone!
  15. I can see the block bounds, but when I step on a pressure plate, the door breaks.... http://i1166.photobucket.com/albums/q619/ess0523/2014-07-02_103312_zps642a56c5.png
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