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Everything posted by bfox1

  1. For me, after ive double checked, Try creating a new world. That may solve the problem
  2. I had a similar problem, this thread has been dead for a few days. But if you havent figured it out. Go to http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,25885.0.html It is a Bug im assuming related to Forge. All my work is done correctly and Yet, they didnt load. So loading up a new world seems to fix that issue.
  3. Found the Problem. I am going to assume this is a Bug of some form as i dont believe its intended to be here. For those people who have done it right, but still end up not seeing their texture. Before you try this, make sure the code is correct and if so, create a New world. Dont understand why, im sure this is a bug that will be soon squashed. but it loads the texture perfectly in the new world and anyworld after that.
  4. I have seen that and even adding public static void registerItem(Item item , int metadata, String name) { ItemModelMesher mesher = Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher(); mesher.register(item, metadata, new ModelResourceLocation(name, "inventory")); } im still getting no luck loading up the texture. I wonder if im doing it all wrong. But im more certain that everything is right.
  5. No this is the only texture i got for now. And i dont know if it would load with another. Havent tested. It just i dont understand why its giving me a missing purple and black texture when i believe the code is right.
  6. So after a few hours of getting the SteelIngot.json to be read, Now im having problems getting the texture to load in-game. No errors get displayed to console and ive been trying different methods for other people and how they got their textures to work. So far I have nothing and Results remain the same. The steel ingot is a Block with the missing texture on it instead of the texture it is suppose to have Here is the GitRepo. I appreciate your guys help! Still trying to figure out 1.8 https://github.com/bfox1/HardCoreTrees/tree/master
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