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Everything posted by jimmyh

  1. When doing Item.getItemFromBlock(Blocks.unlit_redstone_torch) this returns null. This is because the map BLOCK_TO_ITEM does not contain the unlit redstone torch. The function registerItems in Item does not register the block. Not sure if this is a forge or minecraft bug or whether it's intended. I'm looking to render the item in a gui, so if this is intended does any one know of another way of getting the Item graphic for the block? Regards.
  2. Unfortunately the item in question also has durability, so I'm not able to use the durability bar for energy.
  3. In 1.7 I was using IItemRenderer to render an energy bar for the rf in an item, but now that IItemRenderer is no more. What is the prefered method of doing the same thing in 1.8.9? Thanks.
  4. I'm not sure if this is a bug or if done or missed something. I have created a new WorldType, where I have overridden getChunkManager and getChunkGenerator. I also have 2 biomes types, "Grassland" and "Desert", which are generated using perlin noise. I have used grass blocks for the grassland biome and sand blocks for the desert biome. But as you can see from the screen shot below, the F3 debug info is displaying a different biome to what the block is, minecraft is also coloring the grass as if it is the desert biome. WorldType WorldChunkManager IChunkProvider This has been driving me crazy for days now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  5. I'm not sure I would want the FOV change that comes with using the speed potion. And attrributes(generic.movementSpeed) and moveFlying don't need packets to be sent?
  6. I'm looking at ways I can increase the speed at which a player moves. The trigger for this is based on armour that the player is wearing. I have 2 questions, where best to apply the increase and the best/preferred way of increasing it. I have found LivingUpdateEvent and onArmorTick to be possible places where I can apply the increase. I've seen a few examples on how to apply the increase, one using attrributes(generic.movementSpeed), which MPS uses and the other being moveFlying, which Botania uses. Are there any major differences between the 2 methods or are they pretty much both doing the same thing? Any help would be appreciated. Jimmy
  7. Is there any thing wrong with using MinecraftServer.getServer().getConfigurationManager().sendPacketToAllPlayers or should an FML channel be used instead? Or are they completely different things and I'm just thinking about it wrong.
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