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  1. Oh, i just read through my post one more time and i'm so sorry if i insulted anyone. I was really tired, but i won't make up a lot of excuses Anyways, for some reason, the auto import wasn't working correctly. I thought i added the right import earlier on when i added it manually, but it appears that i didn't. Thank you for the help, Elyon
  2. Really, just really? You couldn't help a bit more, could you? This is ridiculous, you don't have to answer me like that. I know what i'm doing - this isn't because "I don't know java", but more of a "i can't get this to work even though i've tried everything, can you plesse help me find the problem?" I'm sorry, but you sir, are the kind of people i don't like at all. Please give me something constructive instead of being a jerk.
  3. Hey. Has EnumHelper changed? I've got this piece of code: [embed=425,349]public static ToolMaterial ArcadeliusSword= EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("ArcadeliusSword", 4, -1, 12.0F, 11.0F, 35);[/embed] but it can't be resolved. YES, i have checked my imports. There are nothing to import. Whatever you say, NO. I've even tried to import it manually, it doesn't exist. YES, i have set up forge correctly, and YES, i have set up everything else correct. Also, YES, i know Java. I just went from Bukkit-developing to mod-developing because i wanted to start bigger. Any ideas? Every thread i've found got the same answers: "Check your imports" "Learn to import". Thanks in advance
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