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Everything posted by Milkshakes00

  1. Aaand right you are. After renaming everything to tutorialmod instead of TutorialMod, it's working. Damn it. Going to have to replace quite a few lines. Thanks for the help!
  2. I had thought that was a recommendation, but not a requirement?
  3. Nope. No dice. [Client thread/WARN]: Failed to load texture: TutorialMod:textures/models/Wandering_Entity.png java.io.FileNotFoundException: TutorialMod:textures/models/Wandering_Entity.png
  4. It's just a simple: [Client thread/WARN]: Failed to load texture: minecraft:TutorialMod/textures/models/Wandering_Entity.png java.io.FileNotFoundException: minecraft:TutorialMod/textures/models/Wandering_Entity.png I'm assuming the issue is that it's adding the "minecraft:" part. The rest of the directories are right, but I'm guessing it can't find where "minecraft:" starts correctly?
  5. Hiya guys, trying to figure out how to do this, I've followed a couple tutorials on the internet to just simply add mobs and what not. Now I have the default biped model, like the player character and villagers and such, but for whatever reason, it absolutely refuses to add the texture to the model, so it's just the jumbled black and purple boxes. Curious if anyone can help me, here's the code: RenderTest.java testEntity.java TutorialMod.java preInit event to load it. I have the Wandering_Entity.png in the textures/models/ folder. I've tried changing the directory to other things, but no dice. I've made sure it isn't accidentally .png.png or anything.. I'm really at a loss on this one, but I'm sure it's something simple I'm overlooking, as it usually is. I don't think the ClientProxy or CommonProxy matters, as it is making the entity in game, but it's just lacking textures?
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