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Everything posted by Sqbika

  1. Problems are appearing frequently, but solving them is more easy than this. I was doing some programming and I ran to this problem, where I want to check if I done everything correctly, but wait, it's not there! When I start minecraft in eclipse, everything compiles, minecraft starts running completely fine, but when I'm in singleplayer and want to add the new block to myself, it isn't there. Previous one (testBlock) are, but the new one isn't and when I changed testBlock to something random, the block remained testBlock. At this point I was clueless, tried to change almost everything, whitout any success, even the mcmod.info change weren't successful.. Help is much appreciated! Solved it by moving to IDEA
  2. Okay. I solved it. Solution: I moved my Mentf.java (The model file) inside the the com.sqbika.blablabla, so that the builder can find it, cause it cannot find it previously.
  3. i checked it. Lower-Upper cases are correct. My prediction is that, the builder doesn't see the model file. I don't know why, but I think that is the problem. Another strange this is, when I run MC in Idea, it doesn't give error...
  4. I recommend Pahimar's Modding series. It's both awsome, understandable and OpenSource. He is the creator of Equivalent Exchange 3 which is an Opensource mod too. The series is not complete, but it's a good start.
  5. I tried to compile my mod, but it threw an Error. I don't know what is the problem. The Error: The Renderer Class: I need to register the model class? IDEA itself doesn't throw an exception when I try to run it, it works in IDEA.
  6. It's working! Thank you very much!
  7. Ahh! Soo.. I need to convert the ItemStack to Item? Cause I cannot call the EntityItem to be able to do an if () {} with my ModItems.hardBrick :\
  8. Hi. I'm having a bit of a problem comparing 2 ItemStacks, which is a bit annoying. Explanation: I'm making a TileEntity, which is spawning a new ItemStack when a specific item is drop on it. I'm trying to make the base of it, but I stuck at comparing. The error: When I'm comparing two items, It return false ,although it should return true. I made a debug part, where it returns the required Item and the Item that dropped on the block. Here is the result when I drop the correct item: I don't know why it is doing this, but I'm sure I did something wrong.... Code: Mentf (the block mentioned above): SOLUTION: Note: I'm using Pahimar's modding structure cause I'm a beginner >.<
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