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Posts posted by Fricative_Melon

  1. I figured it out. I used the wrong eclipse workspace. I think I should be good now. Thanks for reminding me to check the instructions I used. It turns out I followed a tutorial video incorrectly.


    Edit: No, I had the right workspace (The other workspace has no files). I followed the instructions in the tutorial almost exactly (The tutorial was for 1.5.1, so instead of going into the non-existent forge/mcp directory, I went into the forge/fml/mcp directory and went from there)

  2. I downloaded everything according to the instructions and everything was working fine in Eclipse, but when I tried to use MinecraftForge.setBlockHarvestLevel, the MinecraftForge class did not exist to import. I looked through the downloaded forge source files and found it in a folder that also only contained other classes that were not in the Eclipse workspace (*baseDirectory*\minecraftforge-src-1.5.2-\forge\common\net\minecraftforge\) a directory that seems to have been omitted from the Eclipse workspace.


    I checked the changelog and found no mention of any of that. Eclipse works, but those missing classes contain needed hooks. Were these files omitted by mistake from the workspace, or have I done something wrong? The Eclipse workspace consists of only two files, so I don't know how that could have messed up.


    Also, Eclipse alerts me to a minor warning in net.minecraft.client.gui in the TaskWorldCreation class relating to an unreachable catch block. Probably nothing, but every little bit helps.

  3. I've had that there all along, and it still wasn't working. I don't know what else I can do. It still says that my mod isn't a networkmod.


    Also, the mcp recompiler is using the 1.6 source rather than the 7 source, so I can't use strings in switches. How can I change which source the mcp recomplier uses?

  4. I have this line of code right above my main mod class (I have a PacketHandler set up):


    @NetworkMod(channels = { "Custom Music" }, clientSideRequired = true, serverSideRequired = false, packetHandler = PacketHandler.class)


    Do I need to do something more to get this to work?

  5. I think I've figured it out, but when I right click on my block to open a Gui, the command window says "[WARNING] [ForgeModLoader] A mod tried to open a gui on the server without being a NetworkMod" and the gui fails to open. I have the "Mod", "NetworkMod", and "SidedProxy" annotations set up according to the google doc on the first block tutorial page on forge wiki, and I set up the GuiHandler (implementing IGuiHandler and overriding the methods) according to the Containers and Gui tutorial on the wiki. My mod works fine otherwise (the blocks and items I created work correctly) How can I make my mode a NetworkMod? I've searched for solutions, but I can't find any using google.


    Also, the command window says that my textures aren't preloading. How do I preload textures?

  6. I want a gui I've created to open when a block I've made is right clicked(onBlockActivated), but I can't find any suitable methods. The openGui method in the EntityPlayer class requires a gui id, but I have no idea what that is. I've looked at the methods the vanilla gui's use, but they require a minecraft instance that I don't know how to create. Does anyone know how to open a new gui in Forge?

  7. I downloaded eclipse and set the mcp72/eclipse directory as the workspace, but it gave me an error about not having the jars in the jars/bin directory. Then I placed them in the directory it said they were supposed to be in, but it still gave me errors about not finding the jars.


    Also, is there any way to develop mods for Forge without eclipse? I doubt there is, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

  8. I didn't encounter any errors while trying to use the Forge src, but I don't know what source code to edit now that I've installed Forge. I was using Netbeans without a problem before I installed Forge, but it's obvious by the sparse amount of files in the directory I used before and the huge amount of errors Netbeans brings up that I can't use that directory anymore. How can I set up Netbeans to use the new folder system that Forge seems to introduce?


    At first, I thought it was a problem with the installation, so I deleted the mcp72 and .minecraft folders, then I downloaded mcp again and regenerated the .minecraft folder. Then I downloaded a minecraft_server.jar file from minecraft.net and placed it in the "mcp72/jars" folder, then I copied the "bin" and "resources" folders from the .minecraft folder to the "mcp72/jars" folder. I downloaded the forge src again and placed the "forge" folder into the "mcp72" folder. Mcp comes with fernflower, so I didn't have to download that. Then I ran the "install" file int the "forge" folder and it decompiled sucessfully, with no errors. My original Netbeans setup didn't work at all, though, and I have no idea where I'm supposed to change the code.

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