I would like to get the size of an image with the use of a resource location as I want to have my gui auto-center the background texture based on what image I give it. I have done some googling but only found ways of doing it involving ImageIO, which I assume isn't a good option because I have found no way of getting a file object from a resource location.
So I was trying to add a hook to the proccessCommand() method in the CommandBroadcast class, but in doing so, Minecraft is erroring when I try to load a world. Relevant code: http://pastebin.com/Pm2Et31P and log: http://pastebin.com/BhHnLyuv
I want to have an item with a texture which dynamically changes color, however only on the borders of the item. I know that there is getColorFromItemStack. But is there any way to do it for specific parts of an item? With some sort of multi-pass rendering maybe?
I was trying to apply potion effects to players and mobs, but I can't seem to get it working. It doesn't appear on mobs and on players, the effect is clientside only, it doesn't actually effect the player other than add particles.
Relevant code: http://pastebin.com/WJpYG6za
The code block under the if statement here: https://github.com/austinv11/PeripheralsPlusPlus/blob/master/src%2Fmain%2Fjava%2Fcom%2Faustinv11%2Fperipheralsplusplus%2Fentities%2FEntityRocket.java#L197 is only run client side and I can't figure out why. Help me Forge forums! You're my only hope.