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Everything posted by Admiral_Morketh

  1. That was the most helpful thing on that subject i could find also learned a little about the name=value pairs Thanks
  2. As per the reply to my comment https://github.com/MinecraftForge/FML/issues/375 I am posting this here I was digging around in the source code directory of Forge to familiarize myself with the various aspects of Forge in order to write a mod whence i found the dump.Registry() in the package cpw.mods.fml.common.registry i have been googling for over 2 hours and the only thing i could find on that was the gitHub issue thread i linked above (in case you didn't or cant view the post above) i found on line 161 what looked to be a system configuration call to some parameter: however i cant find any reference to that at all in any configuration file (or any other ANSI encoded file for that matter) any where in my minecraft hierarchy. there seems to be a void on the internet concerning this little feature. I would like to be able to dump the game registry for debugging and developing purposes and would like to know how.
  3. I uploaded a schematic file for World Edit of a bridge that a buddy of mine built. After pasting the build the server promptly halted and refuses to start now. Error logs are posted on Github for ease of viewing https://gist.github.com/Morketh/7e3ffed2a245b53d15c8 From what i can tell its something to do with Forestry? seems a bit odd as the schematic used was only of Vanilla Minecraft blocks. ill post this over to Forestry as well if this isn't the place to put this my apologies in advance. any kind of support would be helpful thank you Admiral Morketh
  4. im receiving the same issue ive tried both in a game and at the main menu im getting the exact same crash report. have you found a fix for it? or is there a patch or something that can be done about it?
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