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Forge Modder
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    I do things some people call impossible.

Savage's Achievements

Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. So I have been testing things and I noticed when I set a block to air using onItemUse and the block I set to air is under sand (or any falling block), the falling block will stay in place. Any ideas on why this might be happening?
  2. Hi, I was just wondering how I could go about getting the damage from an item on an entity. Ex. Using a diamond sword on a cow. I would like to see how much power was used to kill that cow and possibly output it to the console or in chat. It's only meant for debugging on my end to test out my mod. Thanks, Savage. P.S: It would be sort of how Damage Indicators does it, except I would only want the numbers.
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