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  1. Don't get frustrated, you didn't explain yourself very well. It wasn't until I took a look again at the code Techne generates that I realized I could just instantiate a new ModelRenderer class and .addBox a cube representing my tank of the appropriate dimensions at runtime and go from there. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful for your help (and it did help give me the right idea). Frankly, I feel stupid for not realizing this earlier, but oh well
  2. I'm fairly certain for my particular use I would need to use the tesselator because I am drawing a cube and texturing it with my liquid that is of a size on the Y plane that is relative to how much liquid is in the tank. So, if the tank is 12x12x12 cube at full, it will be 12x6x12 when half full. Obviously if it was just a matter of swapping out a texture on a cube that was always the same size, then this wouldn't be an issue
  3. Okay, so I did combine the approaches to achieve the effect I wanted. Essentially my block (a steam boiler) has a techne model that constitutes of frame and transparent glass panels that I render, then within the same render loop I instantiate a tesselator instance and draw a proportional representation of the fluid inside (steam) inside the hollow space of the block. I guess the only question I have remaining is - The tesselator is painful to work with when designing any model other than crude shapes. Is there a better way to do this? A helper library or a modelling tool that will give you the vertices you need to create the model? Obviously, for simple cuboids this isn't much of a problem, but if I have to do more complex rendering this way I think I'd rather chop off my own nuts.
  4. Hi there guys, I got a (hopefully) simple question here. I want to make a custom techne model that has both solid components as well as transparent components (basically a fluid tank component on my block). I would like for at run time to change the texture displayed in the transparent shape to represent whatever fluid is currently in block. Is there a way to do this without redrawing the entire model? Can I bind a texture to just one shape at a time? Any suggestions? Thanks!
  5. Okay so I just started using Intellij today as well (making the switch from Eclipse because, why the hell not?) and I had almost the same problem. This is what I did to solve it: File -> Project Structure -> Modules -> Dependencies (add) Jars or Directories Anyway, now the jars I add there are included as libraries for my project. This is of course, assuming this is actually what you want to do. The other alternative if you have API class files is just to create a directory under src called "api/java" and set it as a source directory in Project Structure. It should not get compiled out to your eventual mod.
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