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Everything posted by Deli_SK

  1. Did a quick research: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=15860.0 https://github.com/Chicken-Bones/CodeChickenLib/issues/23 Try to use earlier verion of Forge (stable), and see if it dissapears, if not, open an issue in forge.
  2. Hello Everybody TL;DR: I want to find some people who want to assist me in my mod creation For Others: I am creating a new mod, which is designed to enhance the early vanilla feeling, and meant to progressively introduce the player to many common tech mod mechanics (for example ore doubling). I want the player to play vanilla and then bit by bit wanders out to the modded world of wonders. Of course this means that I need to tie some loose ends in vanilla Minecraft that bothers me a bit (punching wood? torch/sand exploit? etc.) As this is a big thing to handle myself I would be really glad for someone to join me. Who I am interested in: For Beginner modders someone who want to learn (I'm a beginner / intermediate at modding, but not bad at programming), so we can learn together someone who like the idea and want to help [*] For Skilled modders someone who want to mod, but don't know what someone who like the idea and want to help someone who can be of assistance if we need something who likes prototyping our crazy ideas [*] For Artists someone who like to draw textures for us someone who like to create models (for example in Techne) [*] For Anyone someone who is interested, and want to talk with me about the ideas in mod, and maybe propose more ideas. If you didn't find yourself in that list, but want to be involved anyway, contact me anyway, we will definitely find something Don't be shy P.S: If this post is not in the right section, feel free to move it. (But I think this is considered a modder support ) P.P.S: I hope that I find someone, because I don't know anybody who is willing to mod minecraft yet
  3. Hello That is not as hard as you think. You need to just use "BlockEvent.HarvestDropsEvent" event, where you will just check the used item. Jabelar has a good tutorial on events here: "http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.sk/p/minecraft-forge-172-event-handling.html"
  4. Hello I have a question. As I wanted to do a simple research for block harvest levels and block harvest tools, I found that I can't get that information. Basically I want to create a csv for spreadsheet with as much info from block as possible:
  5. Hey all, I have a question: How can one manage to change the falling behaviour of vanilla blocks? I want the sand, gravel and dirt to fall similarly to TerraFirmaCraft. Also want to get rid of that torch exploit on said blocks. Should I replace vanilla blocks with my versions? Or is there some hook / event which I can use to implemet my logic?
  6. Thank you, that's the way I probably will go. I was just curious if there are some used "habits" of some sort for doing that.
  7. Hello I'm here again with more advice requirement than actual coding problem. I'm seeing two major styles on how to define blocks and items: - The first one, also used by Mojang, is to create a "superclass" of desired functionality and every detail write in initialization of blocks and items to static properties. - The other is to ceate a class for every item and block that you need, even if it doesn't have major functionality change. (Like creating cusom class for my *Enter Popukar Material Here* Pickaxe, rather than using ItemPickaxe with custom settings)). So what is the better approach? What is better for scaling and not cluttering your environment? Also don't be shy and let me know which style you are using and why. Many thanks in advance.
  8. Thank you guys for your replies, especially you TGG, you've cleared more cinfusion from my head that you might thing. Anyway, I want to render an item "lying" on the ground, to be more specific it would be some sticks under trees and flint on top of gravel - distributed randomly on surface, so I can have a metadata saying which item to render and which item players get. Using TE and TESR will give me the advantage of defining *any* item to lie on the ground, but I think that the way using metadata will be sufficient for me. Another quickie - I've read somewhere how to render items in TESR (I think using EntityItem). Do you happen to know any details? (as I can't seem to find the article again). Many thanks to you.
  9. Hello everybody, I want to ask more of an advice than an actual mod dev question. I'm going to create a custom block, that will render as item "lying" on ground (for example sword placed on some block). I want an advice about how would it better to do it. I was considering the ISBRH or TESR. The disadvantage of using the ISRBH is that I'm not sure how exactly I want to do it (I know some basics, but nothing that complex), and as I've heard, that functionality will be oboslete in 1.8. In regards to TESR, I will need to do actual TileEntity for that. That should not be bad, as then I can some "generic" solution to all items that I want to be able to place, but I'm concerned about spamming of TileEntities (Imagine WorldGen which adds sticks lying under trees). So what is your advice? I won't mind when you point out another solutions, or help with one or the other solution, but quite opposite, I will be very glad. And thank you for reading this and any potential help.
  10. Sorry, my fault -> Now I understand what you are pointing at... I feel so dumb to not start with this... I see that I have much, much more to learn. Anyway, thanks man for the help.
  11. May I ask how? I probably doesn't understnad how it is working :-/ So could you give me an example of - for example - a generator, that places a brick block above a gravel? (not necessarily randomly). So I could follow that and maybe understand that system better.
  12. Hello I'm having issues with figuring out how to register custom world decorator to existing biomes. Let's say that I want to generate some custom created bushes, or blocks in existing biomes, how can I do that? I just can't seem to find the right tutorial for this. Can anyone help me? Thank you in advance.
  13. Thank you, that helped me a lot. My only problem now, is the fire flashing when I'm overriding the PlayerInteractEvent. Basiaclly When I want the Flint and Steel to not set the netherrack on fire, I need to cancel the event, but then it will not be processed server side (no item damage, no sound and no custom particles)., but when I cancel the event on server side only, the fire "flashes" for a split second. Do you think I need to use Packets for that (item damage, sound and particles)? Or is there an easier solution shich I'm overlooking?
  14. Hello folks, I have a question - how to damage a vanilla item in crafting recipes? For example I want the axe used in custom recipe (log -> plank) to take damage and not dissapear. I know how to do it when I have my mod item (with using containers), but is it possible to do with vanilla tools? I've found the crafting event, is it good to use it for this case? Or should I make my own tools and replace the vanilla ones? Thank you in advance.
  15. As I said in the OP, I've tried to use it, but the problem is that I was not able to restrict it for a dispenser. Also using that event had some side effects - As I don't want to be able to set flame to a netherrack, I need to cancel the event, but I can't cancel the event on client-side, when I want it to be processed by server-side (to play the sound and show particles for all players, and also damage the item), but when I won't cancel it on client side, the flame shows up for a split second, which I don't like.
  16. @Eternaldoom: I can't seem to find the block tick event, it is possible that there is not one, as diesieben said. I've decided to create new Flint and steel, where I can do my checks in "onItemUse" function, and replace all recipes to output my flint and steel instance. Do you think is it a good approach? (I'm worrying for some mod to use original flint and steel in some recipe).
  17. Hello all, So here I am, again struggling with some vanilla behaviour. I want Netherrack to be not falamable outside of Nether, but I'm still finding more and more obstacles. I've tried to find an event for setting things on fire or checking the flamability with no avail. So i came up with the using of the 'PlayerInteractEvent', which kind of worked, but didn't worked on dispenser (which I couldn't find event either) and didn't work when I was lighting a side of diagonally placed block. Is there any solution to this problem? Without using the coremods of course. Thank you very much
  18. Hello I have a question regarding forge config files. As it resembles JSON a bit, is it possible to use nested objects like in JSON? I'm struggling to get this XML structure: to somewhat write as config file. I've managed to partially do that using configCategories names in a format ("a.b.c.d"), but that seems to be a bit hacky to me, and negates the effort for the file to be easily used. (both by user and the parsing code). Any help? P.S.: Yes, I was discussing something similar in this thread: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,23132.0.html but the topic was discussion about something else - which I've already locked, because I found answer to that topic. If it is a problem, feel free to move it to previous topic and unlock it.
  19. Thank you very much for your help. So I will now delve into the depths of the forge config files
  20. Thank you for your help. I wanted to use XML due to it's structure, which will allow me to set more complex stuff. BTW I'm not doing it for user to change, only if he really wants. Basically I want to create a complex ruleset, something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <toolGroups> <toolGroupEntry id="shovels"> <tool name="item.shovelStone"/> <tool name="item.shovelIron"/> </toolGroupEntry> <toolGroupEntry id="axes"> <tool name="item.axeStone" modifier="0.1" /> <tool name="item.axeIron" modifier="0.5" /> </toolGroupEntry> <toolGroupEntry id="notTools" /> </toolGroups> <blockGroups> <blockGroupEntry forToolGroups="shovels;axes"> <block name="tile.stone" modifier="0.8" removeVanillaDrop="true"/> <block name="tile.leaves" drop="item.stick" dropChance="0.4" dropCount="2"/> <block name="tile.leaves:0" drop="item.sapling" dropChance="0.05"/> </blockGroupEntry> </blockGroups> Will it be possible in forge config format?
  21. Hello fellow modders. I'm about to alter the vanilla block behavior, namely the break speed and drops with different tools (to harvest dirt, you need a shovel). I was thinking of creating a config XML where I can set everything I need, and after loading I will attach a HarvestBlock and BreakSpeed events to change the vanilla behavior the way it is configured. So my question is, if this is a good approach, or there is a better solution which I should consider? Thank you in advance.
  22. Thank you very much - My problem was I was using the Block Break event.
  23. Hello, As Title says, I'm wondering how one can manage to drop item at passed world coordinates, in my case, when one breaks the vanilla leaves and when the leaves decay. I want to be able to drop sticks and a small chance of acorn (then cancel other drops). I'm a bit new to modding, but I've tried everything what came to my mind. The eventhandler is working right (I currently have it so the player toss the needed items). Very thanks to anybody willing to help me.
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