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  1. basicley i wana make a protocol hack that allows people using 1.12 to join a modded 1.11 server this is part of my plan to bring modded and vanilla closer together i already whas able to join using vanilla 1.11 since my mod has it's acceptableRemoteVersions variable to "*": @Mod(modid = Reference.MOD_ID,version = Reference.Version,acceptedMinecraftVersions = Reference.AccceptedVersions,acceptableRemoteVersions = "*" ) and regardless of the fact the client is missing the blocks,entitys,etc it seems to work quite fine well anyway i found this in the C00Handshake.class: public C00Handshake(int protocol, String address, int port, EnumConnectionState state, boolean addFMLMarker) { this(protocol, address, port, state); this.hasFMLMarker = addFMLMarker; } and wana manipulate the C00Handshake package so when its sended to the client it accept it no matter what version and when its not the string of mods required it warns the player is that posible to do without modding base classes?
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