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I'm not sure exactly where this goes on the forum, but this is partly mod development support. I'm looking for a place to go the learn how to pull apart mods for modpacks and make the items compatible and the recipes work. For example, in the Tekkit modpack you can use two different kinds of copper for the same recipe. How does one do that? If i could get some help or a link to some kind of tutorial for that that woudl be great. Thanks so much! ;D -gallifrey2000
[1.7.10] How to make Mobs Say Things
gallifrey2000 replied to gallifrey2000's topic in Modder Support
Thanks for this as well! -
[1.7.10] How to make Mobs Say Things
gallifrey2000 replied to gallifrey2000's topic in Modder Support
Ok. I'll look into that. Thx! -
Thank you! This helps.
[1.7.10] How to make Mobs Say Things
gallifrey2000 replied to gallifrey2000's topic in Modder Support
Yes i mean like a cow says moo. But how do i do that? Ive been looking at the cow file and i dont quite get it. -
How do you make mobs say things?
Oh also, it would be nice to know how to make mobs talk. If you can help with that that helps too.
So im am attempting to put my friend as a mob into the game, and I dont know which kind of entity i should extend. Ideas? Also, what syntax do i use to edit strength, speed, and life of mobs? I have other mobs i want to make faster and stronger, stuff like that. Thanks for help in advance!
ok nevermind. i fixed that. The only thing i have now is can anyone point me to a tutorial about mob drops and how to change their strength?
Ok thanks. Sorry ive been causing stress. Ive been trying to make this work for like 2 months now. But i have another problem now. The only part of the entity i can see is the horns. is that cuz the texture is incomplete or do i need to change some of my code?
Could someone please tell me what's wrong in beginners terms? I'm not sure exactly what I need to do. I looked around...
Ok that doesn't help only answer if you will tell me directly. Even just a place to LOOK is helpful.
So what do I change, add, or remove to fix that?
ok. Here ya go. package com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.init.Blocks; import net.minecraft.init.Items; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.Item.ToolMaterial; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraftforge.common.util.EnumHelper; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.blocks.darkOreBlock; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.blocks.superBlock; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.blocks.zedOreBlock; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.entity.goblinMob; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.entity.mobBase; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.generation.zedGenClass; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.cactusJuice; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.corruptedZed; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.darkShard; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.jellyBeanGreen; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.jellyBeanPurple; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.jellyBeanRed; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.jellyBeanYellow; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.mudItem; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.mudPie; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.pieTin; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.pureZed; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.items.smashedCactus; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tabs.OpModTab; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tabs.OpTabTools; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tools.hybridSword; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tools.zedAxe; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tools.zedHoe; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tools.zedPickaxe; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tools.zedShovel; import com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.tools.zedSword; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.EventHandler; import cpw.mods.fml.common.Mod.Instance; import cpw.mods.fml.common.SidedProxy; import cpw.mods.fml.common.event.FMLInitializationEvent; import cpw.mods.fml.common.registry.GameRegistry; @Mod(modid = MainFile.MODID, name = MainFile.NAME, version = MainFile.VERSION) public class MainFile { //Modification Info public static final String MODID = "overpoweredmod"; public static final String NAME = "Over Powered Mod"; public static final String VERSION = "Alpha v1.1.0"; @SidedProxy(clientSide = "com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.ClientProxy", serverSide = "com.gallifrey2000.overpoweredmod.ServerProxy") @Instance(MainFile.MODID) public static MainFile modInstance; //Initializing Stuff //Generation public static zedGenClass zedGen = new zedGenClass(); public static zedGenClass darkOreGen = new zedGenClass(); //Tabs public static CreativeTabs opModTab = new OpModTab(CreativeTabs.getNextID(), "opModTab"); public static CreativeTabs opModTools = new OpTabTools(CreativeTabs.getNextID(), "opTabTools"); //Materials public static ToolMaterial hybridMaterial = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("hybridMaterial", 3, 1300, 3.5F, 2.0F, 10); public static ToolMaterial zedMaterial = EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("zedMaterial", 4, 2000, 15.0F, 8.0F, 12); //Entities //Items public static Item mudItem = new mudItem(); public static Item pieTin = new pieTin(); public static Item smashedCactus = new smashedCactus(); public static Item corruptedZed = new corruptedZed(); public static Item pureZed = new pureZed(); public static Item darkShard = new darkShard(); //Food Items public static Item mudPie = new mudPie (4, false); public static Item cactusJuice = new cactusJuice(); public static Item jellyBeanRed = new jellyBeanRed(2, false); public static Item jellyBeanGreen = new jellyBeanGreen(2, false); public static Item jellyBeanYellow = new jellyBeanYellow(2, false); public static Item jellyBeanPurple = new jellyBeanPurple(2, false); //Tools public static Item hybridSword = new hybridSword(hybridMaterial); public static Item zedSword = new zedSword(zedMaterial); public static Item zedShovel = new zedShovel(zedMaterial); public static Item zedAxe = new zedAxe(zedMaterial); public static Item zedPickaxe = new zedPickaxe(zedMaterial); public static Item zedHoe = new zedHoe(zedMaterial); //Blocks public static Block superBlock = new superBlock(Material.rock); public static Block zedOreBlock = new zedOreBlock(Material.rock); public static Block darkOreBlock = new darkOreBlock(Material.rock); //Crop Blocks @EventHandler public void Init(FMLInitializationEvent event){ //Registering Items GameRegistry.registerItem(mudItem, "mudItem"); GameRegistry.registerItem(pieTin, "pieTin"); GameRegistry.registerItem(smashedCactus, "smashedCactus"); GameRegistry.registerItem(darkShard, "darkShard"); GameRegistry.registerItem(mudPie, "mudPie"); GameRegistry.registerItem(cactusJuice, "cactusJuice"); GameRegistry.registerItem(jellyBeanRed, "jellyBeanRed"); GameRegistry.registerItem(jellyBeanGreen, "jellyBeanGreen"); GameRegistry.registerItem(jellyBeanYellow, "jellyBeanYellow"); GameRegistry.registerItem(jellyBeanPurple, "jellyBeanPurple"); GameRegistry.registerItem(corruptedZed, "corruptedZed"); GameRegistry.registerItem(pureZed, "pureZed"); GameRegistry.registerItem(hybridSword, "hybridSword"); GameRegistry.registerItem(zedSword, "zedSword"); GameRegistry.registerItem(zedPickaxe, "zedPickaxe"); GameRegistry.registerItem(zedHoe, "zedHoe"); GameRegistry.registerItem(zedAxe, "zedAxe"); GameRegistry.registerItem(zedShovel, "zedShovel"); //Registering Blocks GameRegistry.registerBlock(superBlock, "superBlock"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(zedOreBlock, "zedOreBlock"); GameRegistry.registerBlock(darkOreBlock, "darkOreBlock"); //Registering Generation Ore GameRegistry.registerWorldGenerator(zedGen, 1); //Entities mobBase.registerEntity(goblinMob.class, "Goblin", 0x2AFF00, 0xD500FF); //Recipes GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack (mudPie), new Object[ ] { " S ", " S ", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (pieTin), 'S', new ItemStack (mudItem)}); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (pieTin), new Object[ ] { "X X", "X X", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (Items.iron_ingot)}); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (cactusJuice), new Object[ ] { " F ", " X ", " S ", 'X', new ItemStack (smashedCactus), 'S', new ItemStack (Items.water_bucket), 'F', new ItemStack (Items.sugar)}); GameRegistry.addRecipe(new ItemStack (hybridSword), new Object[ ] { " S ", "PWC", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (Items.stick), 'S', new ItemStack (Items.stone_sword), 'P', new ItemStack (Blocks.planks), 'W', new ItemStack (Items.wooden_sword), 'C', new ItemStack (Items.coal)}); GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack (zedSword), new Object[ ] { " S ", " S ", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (Items.stick), 'S', new ItemStack (pureZed)}); GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack (zedAxe), new Object[ ] { "SS ", "SX ", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (Items.stick), 'S', new ItemStack (pureZed)}); GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack (zedHoe), new Object[ ] { "SS ", " X ", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (Items.stick), 'S', new ItemStack (pureZed)}); GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack (zedShovel), new Object[ ] { " S ", " X ", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (Items.stick), 'S', new ItemStack (pureZed)}); GameRegistry.addShapedRecipe(new ItemStack (zedPickaxe), new Object[ ] { "SSS", " X ", " X ", 'X', new ItemStack (Items.stick), 'S', new ItemStack (pureZed)}); GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack (mudItem), new ItemStack (Blocks.dirt), new ItemStack (Items.water_bucket)); GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack (jellyBeanRed), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 3), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 1)); GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack (jellyBeanGreen), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 3), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 2)); GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack (jellyBeanYellow), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 3), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 11)); GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack (jellyBeanPurple), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 3), new ItemStack (Items.dye, 0, 5)); GameRegistry.addShapelessRecipe(new ItemStack (smashedCactus), new ItemStack (Blocks.cactus)); GameRegistry.addSmelting(new ItemStack (corruptedZed), new ItemStack(pureZed), 10); } }