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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Texture Coordinates are generally specified as 0-1 along axis named U and V. In 1.7, textures were generally loaded individually, and going outside of 0->1 would result in textures being repeated. In 1.8's model world, textures are stitched onto the main block sheet, which should be a good performance boost. However it means that if you use a UV coordinates less than 0, or greater than 1, you may end up with part of the texture of another block. For this reason, an error was introduced because your model will more than likely not render the way you intended it to.
  2. I'm wondering when is the best time for a new Tile Entity to examine the world around it? I've poked around the code which suggests that validate() seems to be the only opportunity during the block creation lifecycle when the tile entity knows it's coordinates. Or perhaps I'm barking up the wrong tree and I should be initializing on the server during the first updateEntity call? Any guidance would be appreciated.
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