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Posts posted by xthepersonx

  1. I'm fairly certain that there are parts of the EntityPlayer file that point directly to Blocks.Bed


    Unsure exactly how to go around that, but when I was messing around with making new beds a few versions ago, I had to change something in the EntityPlayer file to accept new types of beds, even though I was extending the BlockBed file. I wasn't using forge at the time. Might want to check those files as well?

  2. I don't know what to tell you... I used the code that you put in your initial post, and I recreated it in my workspace. When I started the game, the image loaded up fine right away... Do you get the "java.io.FileNotFoundException: spectralguns:models/item/component_barrel.json" error with the code in your initial post?


    Also, if you open up the file directory where your json is saved, is it located here?




    As a last ditch effort, maybe try to "Clean" your workspace? I don't know what tool you use, but with Eclipse, it can be found under "Project" - "Clean". This should clear out any temp files that could be causing issues...


    Good Luck with this...

  3. well thanks for the update. I'd rather find out now then when I'm actually testing the stand alone server and have no way to find out where to start looking.


    I'm looking at the base code, and found this packet : C08PacketPlayerBlockPlacement


    Can I start working with this, or am I going completely in the wrong direction?

  4. This is the basic code that I was working with:


        	obliteratorAxe = new ItemAxeUpgrade(Item.ToolMaterial.EMERALD);
        	GameRegistry.registerItem(obliteratorAxe, "obliteratorAxe");
        	Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register(obliteratorAxe, 0, new ModelResourceLocation("perstools:obliteratorAxe", "inventory"));


    I'm going to keep looking over your code to see if I can locate the issue, but from what I understand, the unlocalized name as well as the ModelResourceLocation have to be the same (other than the modID in front of the ":". Sorry if I'm wrong, but that seems to have been my initial issue. My unlocalized name was different.


    Just want to make sure,

    your model json is located here? - src/main/resources/assets/spectralguns/models/item

    And the name of the file is "component_barrel.json"

    Also respecting all letter cases.

  5. Thank you to anyone who can help me with this... I feel that the answer to this is something silly, but I just can't figure it out...


    I'm trying to get a structure to automatically get created when you click on a button in a new gui I created when interacting with a new entity that I created. The structure builds correctly, but after I re-log, it's gone. I'm thinking that it's being created on the client side, but not saving on the server side? The reason I'm thinking that is that if I add


    "if (!Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.isRemote())"


    Then the structure doesn't generate. When I remove that, the above problem happens...


    Here's the code that I'm using to generate a structure...


    package com.persvillagers.village1;
    import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
    import net.minecraft.init.Blocks;
    import net.minecraft.util.BlockPos;
    public class BurningHouse
    public static Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
    public void generate()
    	BlockPos playerPos = mc.thePlayer.getPosition();
    	int x = playerPos.getX();
    	int y = playerPos.getY();
    	int z = playerPos.getZ();
    	BlockPos startingPos = new BlockPos(x - 20, y, z - 20);
    	int offset = 0;
            while (mc.theWorld.isAirBlock(startingPos) && startingPos.getY() > 2)
                startingPos = new BlockPos(startingPos.getX(), startingPos.getY() - 1, startingPos.getZ());
    	for (int var0 = 0; var0 < 5; ++var0)
    		for (int var1 = 0; var1 < 5; ++var1)
    			BlockPos wall1 = new BlockPos(startingPos.getX() + var0, startingPos.getY() + 20, startingPos.getZ() + var1);
    			mc.theWorld.destroyBlock(wall1, false);
    			mc.theWorld.setBlockState(wall1, Blocks.planks.getDefaultState());

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