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Everything posted by bigtwisty

  1. Thank you, Grey. In fact, the tutorials you linked me to were probably the most understandable high-level description of what is going on under the hood that I've seen yet. Thanks! The vanilla code I've looked in to has been fairly easy to interpret so far. I've done a good bit of c++, but most projects I need code for at work now I do in c#. The whole inheritance thing is old hat by now, and java's implementation seems pretty straight forward.
  2. Hello everyone. This is my first post here. I'm writing my first mod and seem to have hit a roadblock. I'm attempting to make a utility block only visible in-world when a specific item is held by the player. I verify the held item state with this: if(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getHeldItem().getItem().itemID == Ids.scController) This seems to work. What would be the best way to make the block visible/invisible based on this boolean value, but still raise an event when the player walks through it? Feel free to simply point me in the direction of the proper events/methods. I'm a long time programmer, first time MC modder, but Java doesn't seem too complicated to pick up. Thanks in advance for any help.
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