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Everything posted by animepix

  1. what about something like that nature one, basically eventually vanilla trees die and spit out new saplings which plant themselfs and grow new trees.. it said it needs a clientside but doesnt actually add any new blocks/graphics to the game. also skins those add in new gfx but everyone sees them even though its a straight client side thing..
  2. Hi, obviously I'm new >>; Is their a list of JUST server mods? i don't want my users to have to download a new client every time i put in a new mod, most mods are client only. I look at a ton of mods and their great but are client only, like the nature overhaul and builders. id like those but of coarse they say client mod. I'm confused why wouldn't they be server side mods? seems like a server function... unless you want to play single player but whats the point in that?
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