Hey guys,
[*]I'm working on a mod at the moment, and have been made aware that there are some compatibility issues with other mods. I'd like to know, is there a way within the Eclipse dev. environment to load other mods as well as my own mod that I'm dev'ing? -- It seems if I put mods that otherwise work into the Eclipse\Mods folder that I just get crashes. -- I suspect this is normal, but I just want to confirm -- If this works for other users, I'll post my logs and we can see if we can walk through it.
[*]Secondly, professionally, I strongly embrace TDD/coded unit tests -- but I come from a strong .NET background -- so I'm still picking up some of the Java stuff like Gradle, etc. -- and I'm wondering:
what's a good place to get started on the Java/Eclipse side of TDD/unit testing? -- and
Has anyone done any work along the lines of coded unit tests in Minecraft with Eclipse? -- I can't be the first to think of this right? (I get that some things are hard to test -- esp. games -- but I do gamedev as a hobby, and there's always something that can be unit tested, etc. -- and I find that knowing that you accidentally broke something [that you might not otherwise have noticed] is fucking awesome -- esp. in gamedev.)
[*]Thirdly, I'd like to target multiple versions of Minecraft (and ideally run my unit tests against all those versions and super ideally publish via a CI process) -- right now I'm having trouble just compiling against multiple versions -- I setup a 1.7.2 Forge Gradle environment in a different folder than my 1.7.10 ( -- but even if I move my source code over there and do a gradlew build from that location -- I think the .jar that comes out is still linked against 1.7.10 -- I believe this to be true because accessing Blocks.sand in the 1.7.2 environment throws the same Exception as if I'd compiled against 1.7.10 (that the field is missing). -- It seems to link against 1.7.2 properly for Eclipse (no exception) but from a gradlew build from that location, I get immediate crashes about missing fields (which happens if you run the 1.7.10 version on 1.7.2).
[*]Finally, is it just me? But the readme.txt that comes packaged with every version of Forge I've tried contains a line that reads as follows:
Is this a bug? Or am I downloading it wrong? -- it seems those @values@ should be replaced at the time the source is packaged up so that the file reflects the version of the source code we have, correct?