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    Its me.

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. If anyone could provide a link/code/pseudo-code showing how to change vanilla potion recipes I'd be very grateful! Thanks in advance!
  2. Ah, I knew it'd be something simple - thanks
  3. Hey, I'm relatively new to modding and am kinda stuck. I've made a tileentity with an inventory (which works) and attempted to add a gui to it, but no matter what I do, I can't seem to get the gui to actually show up, even though I'm fairly sure that I've done everything correctly. No errors are shown in the console either, so I've probably done something rather simple like not registered gui properly, although I'm sure I have. Here's my source code : https://github.com/hii488/TheMagicMod/tree/master/src/main/java/me/hii488/themagicmod The relevant files are : blocks/WandAugmenter, entities/tileentities/TileEntity(WA) - guis/container(WA), guis/gui(WA) and handlers/GuiHandler Thanks in advance if people have a look!
  4. I'm trying to recreate a plugin which stops things like vines growing, this was made for a custom map which had a lot of blocks that grew/changed in some way over time. This plugin helped reduce a LOT of lag in some areas. Any ideas?
  5. I have been trying to find the event that handles all blocks updating, but can't find the correct one. Please could someone point me in the right direction PS. (When I say blocks updating I mean things like vines/crops growing for example)
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