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  1. I put decocraft in and it's working now. I guess I have to becareful of ModID's not looking like there filenames. Thanks for you help.
  2. Even though my Server's mods folder doesn't have those two mods? I'll try it.
  3. I got this error when joining my server: Mod Rejections [FMLMod:-PTRModelLib{1.0.0},FMLMod:props{2.3.2}] I don't see these mods in my server mod folder or my client mod folder, unless the files for it is named differently. Here's my crash log:
  4. Alright, I tested the server without the TNT mod and it worked, so I'm going to contact the author of the TNT mod. Thanks everyone for your help.
  5. Stuffed Animals is trying to load a client-only class on the server, it won't work on the dedicated server due to this. Okay, this time I can see it's the Too Much TNT causing it, but I've seen a video that has more than 1 player in a Minecraft game while using this mod. Here's my crash report:
  6. From the Dynamic Lights thread and download page: Okay, I removed it, but it still crashed:
  7. My server is crashing on startup. Here's my crash log:
  8. I tried a pure forge server with my friend, and we had no mods in our mods folder, and my server's mods folder had no mod in it. My friend still got kicked. Here's my fml-client-latest: http://pastebin.com/Ceiu0j4U and here's my friend's who got kicked off of my server: http://pastebin.com/11BRAr5X EDIT: Okay, I just tried doing the same thing, but this time a didn't bring over the world files, but made a new world. We didn't have any problem. I want to be able to play on my old world though. EDIT: My friend's Minecraft says "Timed Out" after getting kicked. EDIT: I did some testing, and I pinpointed the problem to the server properties file. I moved it to the desktop to generate a new one for the server folder, and my friend didn't get kicked, so it's has something to do with it. Here's my server properties that was causing it to not work: EDIT: I figured it out. For some reason having the link to my resource pack is causing it. I don't understand why though, because the resource pack link works on my vanilla server. If anyone has an answer to that, please post it here. Thanks diesieben, for your replies.
  9. I'm not sure what you mean by pure forge, we're using optifine in our mods folder, but the mods folder my server folder doesn't have it.
  10. Here's a client's log: http://pastebin.com/m5ggc2Tj
  11. We've been playing on a vanilla 1.9 server for a while, and then I moved my world save into a 1.9 server. Now players are getting kicked out of my server about 5 seconds after joining. I'm seeing this in the server log: [server thread/INFO] [net.minecraft.network.NetHandlerPlayServer]: Serenatiger3025 lost connection: TranslatableComponent{key='disconnect.timeout', args=[], siblings=[], style=Style{hasParent=false, color=null, bold=null, italic=null, underlined=null, obfuscated=null, clickEvent=null, hoverEvent=null, insertion=null}} Here is my fml-server-latest: http://pastebin.com/YHf6XnWJ
  12. I did, that's why I know it has something to do with my custom directory. The directory is already there, it so I don't think it would have to create it. EDIT: Okay I just figured it out. After refreshing my computer my user folder has a different name. I don't understand though because all my shortcuts were working. I have fix my user folder.
  13. I play using a custom directory for different profiles, I can see it has to do with that: I've been able to play using custom directories before. I did a system restore not long ago, and I copied my .minecraft folder. After doing the restore I pasted the folder back into the appdata folder. After doing that, that's when I started having problems. I don't understand why it's not working now though.
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