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  1. static ToolMaterial EnumToolMaterialBlueStone= EnumHelper.addToolMaterial("LowPower", 2, 300, 7.0F, 3, 15); is erroring on me with EnumHelper.addToolMaterial underlined and when i hover to check for imports it only gives me create options
  2. in 1.7.10 EnumHelper.addToolMaterial no longer works but I am having a hard time finding what the new code would be any help?
  3. well now i feel stupid thank you
  4. So im trying to add a animated texture to my mod using a mcmeta file and am having some trouble doing so, the BluStoneOre.png and BluStoneOre.png.mcmeta are both in the texture folder though the block is not properly rendering. BluStoneOre.java package com.BlackMage.BluTech.Blocks; import java.util.Random; import com.BlackMage.BluTech.BluTech; import com.BlackMage.BluTech.CreativeTabsBluTech; import net.minecraft.block.Block; import net.minecraft.block.material.Material; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.Item; public class BluStoneOre extends Block { public BluStoneOre() { super(Material.rock); setBlockName(BluTech.MODID + "_" + "BluStoneOre"); setBlockTextureName(BluTech.MODID + ":" + "BluStoneOre"); setCreativeTab(CreativeTabsBluTech.BLOCKS.get()); //@param level Harvest level: //Wood: 0 //Stone: 1 //Iron: 2 //Diamond: 3 //Gold: 0 setHarvestLevel("pickaxe",3); //sets how long it takes to harvest (3.0F is normal ore) setHardness(5.0F); //sets explosion resistance (5.0F is normal ore) setResistance(7.0F); } public Block getBlockDropped(int metadata, Random rand, int fortune) { return BluTech.BluStoneOre; } } BluStoneOre.png.mcmeta { "animation": { "frametime": 3, "frames": [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ] } } BluStoneOre.png http://forgewareinc.com/modpack/BluStoneOre.png
  5. Thank you! Problem Solved
  6. Hello, I am working on a mod in which a gas will explode should it come in contact with a flame source, we have the gas exploding but on explosion the blocks disappear but you can not walk through the area without glitching. when you try to break or place a block around you you notice that the blocks destroyed by the explosion never were destroyed but just invisible. this is fixed by disconnecting and reconnecting but we do not want this glitch at all, we are looking for some help fixing it! here is our basicgas file with the explosion code: Any ideas to why this is not properly removing the blocks destroyed by the explosion?
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