Anyway just to give my lights to this problem, just take care to repair your items with black border around the item.
Like the one in png[/img]
Actually the code didnt had problems. The textures had some transparent pixels around the item and the 1.8 machine recognized them as empty space. In 1.7.10 there wasnt any problem like that. The thing i did was to use gimp to make a black border around my items and fill that empty space. I got 2 goods from that, 1 fixed the item appearance and 2 my items look more cartoon and awsome.
yes i figured out how it works. No need to make special render anymore, because 1.8 uses the json models and there you can define the position of the item.
The only problem/glich i face now is the partial transparensy of the item' thickness.
I have to find out how to fix that now.[/img]
I m trying to use it in my code in 1.8 but i get errors like:
java:824: error: cannot find symbol IIcon icon = item.getIconIndex();
symbol: class IIcon
location: class NPC_BattleaxeRender
java:849: error: instance has private access in Tessellator
This is the code lines i used in 1.7.x to render a custom item.
It used to work then but not now of course.
What this line actually does?
Is there any difference haveing those icon.getMaxU() etc or having numbers? And why?
Need code line explain please.
ItemRenderer.renderItemIn2D(Tessellator.instance, icon.getMaxU(), icon.getMinV(), icon.getMinU(), icon.getMaxV(), icon.getIconWidth(), icon.getIconHeight(), 16F / 256F);
Yes i understood and fixed that.
Another question if you know.
While the shield render just fine when i hold it, when i add it to an npc the shield is not rendering they same way.
Miss something?
Hello, I have made this part in my code and what i just want to do is to rotate the shield upside down while it remains at the same place.
I tried change the angle but it doesnt effect it or effects the way i dont want.
Can anyone help me just to bring the upside down so it will look the right way?
In the photo you can see how it looks.
Anyone can tell me how to register a renderer with more that 1 items. I have 2+ items named ItemShield001, ItemShield002... etc and I would like them to use the same renderer.
Here is the line i want to fix for more items. It actually works but only with 1 item (ItemShield001) and not with the others.
I think it has something to do with itemstack but i am not sure.
here is my line of code:
public void registerRenderers(){MinecraftForgeClient.registerItemRenderer(ItemShield001, new ItemCustomRender());}
Thank you
Whatever guys. No help and to much blah blah blah.
Common behaviour of kids. The minecraft community is the worst and most unfriendly community around.
Its a pity...
Topic closed
I cant learn java, i have to work almost all day.
If you can help me and want to do it, just do it and dont make fun with me.
I am too old and tired for this.
I have an item in using the minecraft sword model, and i want to move it so it will appear as shield.
and then i want to move it at x,y,z dimensions and rotate how i want.
Someone told me to use:
GL11.glTranslatef(x, y, z);
GL11.glRotatef(angle, x, y, z);
but i dont know how to enter them in my code.
Can anyone help me please?
This is my code without the imports: