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    I am still learning java relax if i mess up....

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Tree Puncher

Tree Puncher (2/8)



  1. Ok so I want to make it, such that when the block I have is placed, Spawn fireworks(With random variables as lifetime height etc) in a circle(if possible) in a 5 block radius around the block. At the bare minimum, I want the block, when placed, to spawn a bunch of fireworks(random variables if possible). So In order of importance: Spawn fireworks --> 5 block radius around the center of the block ----->Fireworks are randomly generated --------->They spawn in a circle, like spinning. So like 1 spawns in the center, left center, left left center, left, left behind, left left behind, behind etc... Hopefully that made sense, if not, please say why and i will clarify it as best I can.
  2. The forums are deff not as active as they used to be... or atleast not as many people are replying as they used to
  3. EDIT: Ok I found the OnBlockActivated method, so thats the first thing. Now, which method do I call to spawn the fireworks? I believe I can handle it from there For anyone thats wondering, I am making a mod for my girlfriend, she also plays Minecraft. Thought it'd be a fun project. I want the block to basically activate a "celebration" of fireworks, about a radius of 5 blocks away from the block on right clicked.
  4. So i was messing around with fixing my eclipse workspace and stuff, rearranging and i dont know. I dont know what i did, but something didnt work out, but I dont think anything should have been affected. I try and load a world, and it doesnt work. (Also do you need the crash log instead of Console? Ill try and find it when I wake up(9 or 10 hours probably), as I am posting this before I go to bed) Console: It does say Out of memory, but I dont know why or anything. It was working before I tried moving stuff, and i dont think I can like, restore it too a point where it was working. I am very bad at using Eclipse, not like I'd perfer Notepad, but I dont know how to use it very well(its not that im old, cuz im not) I wish we could like teleport some Forge Tech Support from somewhere and have them sit at my computer and fix it(Lex go work on that now ) Any help would be awesome, because I am new to like everything.
  5. Of course not
  6. Any tutorials or help?
  7. I have abosultely no clue what most of those do, and I know a little Java, I tried to start learning it on my own, stuff came up, and I stopped it, then I started to make some mods. I understand probably about 85% of a piece of code(I know minecraft more than I would with say Android). Like I find a tutorial that isnt good, its just source that someone made as a "tutorial" But barely explains it(what is actually happening and why), I can pretty much understand it. But I cannot make pretty much anything from scratch, my memory doesnt have all the Java stuff in it yet. The "still learning Java" part is a bit outdated but not entirely false.
  8. I dont know if its me not searching well enough or what but I cannot find any good tutorials for 1.6.2 that explain/show how to make a tool set(sword pickaxe shovel axe) and also armor
  9. Basically all I need is a detailed tutorial(pictures would help a lot) on how to update(including fixing textures, that helps too), because I apparently messed up somewhere Edit: Ok so I got it all working, except my textures. Pink and Black squares, just like I think everyone
  10. Can you give me more detail on how to update? I have MCP running, and I believe Forge installed correctly, but when I go into eclipse and I go into the explorer I cant find any Forge directories. And I also dont know where to put my source from 1.5.2
  11. Im trying to make this glass block(That im going to make later today, also dont know how to make blocks transparent(yes I need a lot of help on stuff)) have connected texture but I cant find any tutorials that I could follow(yes im a noob, but I like to do things my way, not the professional way, yet) And I also need to update to 1.6 but I dont know how. I read somewhere that you need to make sure you backed up your code, then delete it all and do it again but with the current versions but I dont know. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  12. I've tried each suggestion and none are working. So I'm gonna explain what I am doing. My block(its an ore) loads into the game fine. No errors in console. Its in the correct creative menu, so I grab the block. I turn myself onto survival, and try to mine the block. Its breaks instantly, as if I were on Creative. The block only drops itself if I "mine" it with an Iron or better pickaxe. I CAN break the block with my hand, instantly, but without it dropping.
  13. Its not working, It still breaks with my hand instantly, but doesnt drop it; and also it drops with iron and up, but no durability is taken away from the tool
  14. So I made an ore, and it spawns. But the problem is its not getting harvested right. It's meant to be mined by an Iron pickaxe, but I cant seem to get it to work. It just breaks by hand, like a torch. There are no errors too btw. My block class: I'm pretty sure there is a lot of unused code in that file im just too lazy to clean it up
  15. I found it! Sorry. I tend not to read everything
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