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Everything posted by Kojak_Kyselvof

  1. Rockin, wasn't sure. Any head way on the enchantments?
  2. Is the download up top the current one? I tried the chests and they are still wonky.
  3. Ixnay the extractor recipes, I just had to figure out the fuel
  4. -Soybeans are not able to be planted in tilled soil (or any other as far as I can tell) -Charwood trees/logs cut with pickaxe but planks are cut with axe -Citronite is a PAIN IN THE ASS to find, I see it being rare but I just got enough for an extractor and I play A LOT and have been mining for it basically since I have been posting Also could you post extractor recipes? Thanks!
  5. Yes, both the frozen and nether chests come out this way, in single and double. Still totally functional. Do the new chest do anything special?
  6. The nether chest comes out as a black and purple cube. Still functional though. Whats up with the new chests anyway?
  7. Crash when shooting zombie with cannon
  8. Ok, for sure a bug, even with enchanted books will not enchant tools unless they give unbreakable. Also, whats the recipe for cannons? I didn't see it on the recipe code. Thanks!
  9. Not sure if this is a bug or not but "unbreaking" is the only enchantment that comes up for tools at the enchanting table. I have tried many times with many different bookshelve setups
  10. Xylite ore and citronite ore both look like citronite ore in creative
  11. I'm using Forge Mod Loader (FML) and Minecraft Coder Pack 9.05, dropped it into my mods folder and created a new world in survival. I'm totally new to modding so other than that I didn't actually DO anything. It runs completely smooth with the exception of the crashes from when I tried to touch/craft any armor (even iron but not leather or diamond, they are good to go). I even found some xylite finally I really haven't had a chance to test other items as I really only play survival and have not found much yet and have no recipes. Thanks for the heads up about the citronite!
  12. Thanks for getting back to me! I am playing 1.8 and had actually found another post where you had mentioned that and the dimensions, great mod so far! I have only found the heliotrope and the citronite so far and the heliotrope tools are all straight, but I don't know what to do with the citronite lol.
  13. Heliotrope armor crashes on creation.
  14. Is there somewhere to find an item/recipe list? Plays smooth so far, had a couple crash issues but seemed isolated
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