Although this may not be directly Forge related, I need someplace to start with asking for help.
I run some dedicated modded MC servers and have recently run into an issue where my CPU spikes, not randomly. Minecraft 1.7.10
This is happening with the same frequency yet various intensity over all of my testing. A modded server that has "been around" for a while will notice this spike at a much greater CPU value than that of a server with a fresh world.
I have been working to profile the server and found that this is not something caused by a ticking entity, title entity, etc. it's nothing that appears to be any way related to a particular mod itself (pending there is no heavy disk IO or some quiescing of MC). I have this issue on modded servers with 0 forced chunks and 0 players online.
Using both Java 7_67 and 8_11 I have experienced this issue. I've tested on several platforms with, like I said, various mod packs and noticed the same behavior. This is straight Forge, however I have had the issue with Cauldron as well. It's currently crushing one of my production MC servers with the dreaded "can't keep up!" every time the CPU spikes.
MCMA graph:
The best I've been able to get information-wise thus far is running Java VisualVM and sampling the cpw.mods.fml instance. I've "timed" sampling and snapshotting of the CPU during the times of the CPU spikes to try and find something within the Server thread that could be the culprit. The only thing I see active with high utilization during these snapshots is "java.util.ArrayList.removeAll()"
I really need to pin point the cause of these CPU spikes, if I am going down the wrong path, any direction would be greatly appreciated.
Server Specs:
Minecraft 1.7.10 (Mod Packs tested: Beyond Reality, Bevo Tech Pack)
E3 1245v2
SSDx2 in HW RAID 1
32GB RAM (30GB dedicated to MC, 16GB in testing)