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Everything posted by Buggi

  1. Yeah, I found the culprit after reading through the extensive dev console log. It was personalized recipes, I've just posted in his thread about it.
  2. I have had a world going for a couple weeks without problems and now, suddenly, it crashes when I load the map. It goes through the "Downloading terrain" and even displays the world for a split second before closing because of this crash. I'm playing in single player mode, but the crash shows -server. And I have no way of debugging what is happening. As a programmer myself, I can normally follow the stack-trace and find what mod (if any) is causing the crash. But as this gives me no clues as to what is happening, I am at a total loss. Below is a link to all the relevant log files. In them you will find all the mods that are installed. And as I stated above, all was working fine. I'm running Forge 1230 as well as all the latest versions of the mods. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54593099/1-7-10stuff/crash-2014-11-10_10.29.22-server.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54593099/1-7-10stuff/DevConsole-Crash-11-10-2014.txt https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54593099/1-7-10stuff/fml-client-latest.log
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