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Everything posted by Lewie

  1. at maxpowa.ayriahud.handlers.RenderHandler.renderGameOverlayEventHandler(RenderHandler.java:75) This is telling you there is a problem with ayriahud, remove it.
  2. Oh wow that's a lot easier, thanks for that .
  3. FYI: In 1.8 you have to do it like this: world.setBlockState(BlockPos, IBlockState); Example: IBlockState dirtBlock = Blocks.dirt.getDefaultState(); world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z), dirtBlock); or with metadata IBlockState plankBlock = Blocks.planks.getStateFromMeta(3); //This will be a jungle plank world.setBlockState(new BlockPos(x, y, z), plankBlock); Hope this helps you when you decide to update to 1.8 . EDIT: Read what diesieben07 said.
  4. Sounds awesome No I haven't tried the mod yet unfortunately but I will as soon as I have time.
  5. Open source? or not? Structures are cool, they make minecraft less boring Do they have any loot inside? Or is that a future plan? Maybe you could make some traps too
  6. Does the game crash when you try (Post Error)? Or does it just not render at all?
  7. Are you calling the method which holds RenderingRegistry.registerEntityRenderingHandler(ArcanePowerMatrix.class, new RenderPowerMatrix(new ModelPowerMatrix(), 0F)); in your main class?
  8. Could you explain how you fixed your problem? I get the exact same error and it's likely I made the same mistake as you. Thanks. Edit:Fixed.
  9. Nobody is going to give you a block of code that tells you how to do it, that's not how you learn Post your code and people will be happy to give you hints in the right direction/tell you where you've gone wrong.
  10. I copied your code, put changeSettings() in PostInit and I did a quick test to mine diamond with a gold pick - it worked.
  11. All you need: @EventHandler public void postInit(FMLPostInitializationEvent event) { changeSettings() }
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