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  1. Does anyone have a link to a good GLSL 11 tutorial or tutorials? I need to learn how to do rendering on ladders and Redstone and other stuff.
  2. Yup, that definitely did it. Thanks!
  3. Wait, the api is supposed to be in a jar? I'm so confused now. The guy before said to extract the source into the .lib folder and turn the .lib folder into a source folder. Also, I tried setting it to the .lib/api and it still refused to build. Couldn't find the files.
  4. Okay, so the API I'm using is Waila. I got the api and everything working just great. The only problem, however, is that when I go to build the mod with Gradle, it says that it can't find the Waila files. I have the API files in the Lib folder and I wrote "compile files("mods/Waila-1.5.9_1.7.10.jar")" under dependencies in the build.gradle file. Got any ideas on why my build is failing?
  5. I know this has been asked before, and maybe I'm just too brain dead from lack of sleep, but how exactly do I add in another mod's api functionality? Where does the .jar go? Or the .classes? I don't want the api included in my mod, I just want the functionality there if the mod is installed.
  6. Oh, thanks very much Draco! Very helpful!
  7. Ah thanks. That makes sense. Thanks for the help, buddy!
  8. I've looked through the code to see where getRedstoneWireIcon is called, but the BlockRedstoneWire.class didn't seem to call it anywhere. @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static IIcon cross; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static IIcon line; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static IIcon cross_overlay; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static IIcon line_overlay; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(IBlockAccess world, int x, int y, int z, int meta) { return this.blockIcon; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon getIcon(int par1, int par2) { return this.blockIcon; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon func_149735_b(int par1, int par2) { return this.blockIcon; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister registerer) { this.cross = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "cross"); this.line = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "line"); this.cross_overlay = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "cross_overlay"); this.line_overlay = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "line_overlay"); this.blockIcon = this.cross; } @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public static IIcon getRedstoneWireIcon(String icon) { return icon.equals("cross") ? cross : (icon.equals("line") ? line : (icon.equals("cross_overlay") ? cross_overlay : (icon.equals("line_overlay") ? line_overlay : null))); } Edit: This code didn't work either, by the way.
  9. That's what I've done, but it still shows up red for some reason. Here's what the code looks like: @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon cross; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon line; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon cross_overlay; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public IIcon line_overlay; @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void registerBlockIcons(IIconRegister registerer) { this.cross = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "cross"); this.line = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "line"); this.cross_overlay = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "cross_overlay"); this.line_overlay = registerer.registerIcon(ModReferences.MODID + ":redstone_dust" + "_" + "line_overlay"); this.blockIcon = this.cross; }
  10. Nothing is wrong with Resource Packs. I was just hoping to keep the vanilla version and my version.
  11. So there's really no way to have a custom colored redstone wire other than using a resource pack?
  12. Hey there. I have a block which extends BlockRedstoneWire and I'm trying to change the texture of it. The normal methods of changing a texture don't seem to be having an effect; no matter what I name the new textures, it still always shows the normal Redstone textures. EDIT: The solution is to create a custom renderer.
  13. AH HA, thus we arrive at your actual problem. I don't think you can do that without a TE involved, because blocks are rendered once, cached, and not updated unless something actually changes (and the player is irrelevant). All right. That makes sense. I'll have to rethink my approach, then and see if I can't come up with another solution. Thanks!
  14. That's what I already have going on. A tileentity wouldn't work in my case as I would like there to be a large number of this block, thus the reason I'm using the updateTick. Perhaps I should rephrase my question: How can I get a block to re-render without modifying its metadata? None of the methods I have tried (listed in the original post) have seemed to have triggered the re-rendering of the block. What I'm doing is changing the block's texture based on whether or not the player has a certain potion effect active, but I can't seem to trigger that block update.
  15. So, I've created a block that runs its updateTick() every 20 ticks. The issue that I'm having is that I'd like the world to update the block every time that happens, but can't seem to get anything to work. This is what I have tried: world.markBlockForUpdate world.setBlockMetadataAndNotify (this one works if I change metadata, but I don't want that) world.notifyBlockOfChange world.notifyBlockOfNeighborChange Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated.
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