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    I am an old new guy!

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  1. NEVERMIND! I feel so dumb! MCPC is not installed on my server. and Minecraft Coder Pack is NOT MCPC...DUH! Thanks for the help. and the education. I'll try to refrain from being as stupid as I seem from now on. I guess we can consider this thread terminated...
  2. ok, I downloaded it, installed it and ran Minecraft. Maybe All this frustration is for nothing. Is Minecraft Coder Pack = MCPC? if not, then I already have a non-MCPC running, and I am barking up the wrong tree. If it is the same, I don't know how to remove it. I assumed (possibly in error) that the "MCP" was MCPC, and it was installed with the Forge stuff (from the same website your link took me to). anyway, I'm really not as stupid as this situation seems to indicate - although from an experts point of view, it may appear so
  3. I just want a server with minecraft 1.7.10 and computercraft 1.65. I don't mind having forge, but I don't know where to get it without getting MCPC with it. My server is currently running with MCPC, and the CC computer startup program won't run when the chunk loads. This is a problem that computercraft says is inherent with the use of cauldron or MCPc. I would like to remove the MCPC if possible, or I can create a new server without it. I just need to know how to do it. Thanks in advance Infinitebrainspace
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