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Posts posted by sapphon

  1. Hey folks,


    A mod I maintain has a couple of edge cases that it is capable of detecting when loading.  These are cases in which loading the mod would be at best useless and at worst confusing and frustrating to players (something very important is missing).  Of course they Shouldn't Happen, but if the mod detects one of these cases, is there some appropriate Forge-y way I can cancel the loading process?  (It knows before the end of the PreInit event handler whether it wants to load.)


    Thanks for your time!

  2. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!  I did make an installer already david476; they like it =)  Onward and upward!


    It's not very conclusive (Got three replies.  Draco: not possible David: possible Diesie: no answer), but it sounds like I need to be looking into Bukkit/Sponge/some other plugin API more exclusively focused on the server side.   


    I'm going to submit server modding as a feature request; should I file it against MinecraftForge or Forge ModLoader?  It's unclear to me which one it is that chokes without a modded client.

  3. It's not my job to tell my users what their intelligence is or what they should be able to do.  It's also not relevant what their intelligence is.  This is a technical question I'm asking - I'll certainly take "no you can't do that" for an answer, but not "you shouldn't want that" -  a nontechnical answer.

  4. Hi y'all,


    The TechMage mod allows wizards (programming students) to learn Python by writing spells (programs) that affect Minecraft while they're playing!  Then they combat each other in duels with their spells =)


    The mod started out on Forge 1.7.2-1147 as a client/server deal, with custom magic wands, key mappings, etc. on the client side.


    For folks who have trouble installing mods, however (some programming students are quite young and with clueless parents),  I was hoping to write a server-side-only version with which players could connect using a vanilla client and the "magic" could be controlled via a Web browser interface. 


    • Is Forge capable of this?  The most current posts I can find are years old.
    • If not, are older versions of Forge capable of this?  Could I "downgrade" to get this functionality?
    • If not, does my problem ring a bell with you as to what the appropriate technology would be?


    Thanks for your time,



    EDIT: Just to be super clear - my question is whether a vanilla client can be made to connect to a Forge-modded server.  The mod can already be controlled via web browser; I put that in for context =).

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